Blow To Peninah Malonza As House Vetting Committee Rejects Her Nomination To Cabinet

Members of the House vetting committee unanimously rejected the nomination of Peninah Malonza as CS in the ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage, the committee was however divided along political party lines on the nomination of Aisha Jumwa nominee and Mithika Linturi with Azimio MPs led by Junet Mohamed recommending for the rejection of Aisha Jumwa as the nominee Public Service CS and Mithika Linturi as CS Agriculture.

The vetting report which was tabled by the majority party on Tuesday approved all the other 23 nominated members of President William Ruto’s cabinet except Malonza. According to the report,  Penina Malonza “did not demonstrate knowledge of topical, administrative and technical issues touching on the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage.”

The committee was also of the opinion that Malonza lacked the requisite abilities and experience to serve as the CS in the ministry. Malonza’s rejection by the vetting committee became an issue of contention in the house for the better part of Tuesday afternoon.

Mr Mithika Linturi’s nomination was rejected by Azimio allied MPs on grounds that he failed to provide the House Committee with a copy of the academic degree he claims to have obtained from an Indian university. The Committee also questioned the legitimacy of a second degree Mr Linturi claims to have earned from the University of Nairobi, noting that the university had previously attempted to expel him due to suspicions of forgery.

Former Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa was repudiated because of an ongoing legal dispute in which she is charged with allegedly murdering a man in 2019 during the Ganda Ward by-election. Jumwa’s allegations that she does not possess a firearm or a firearm license, in the Committee’s opinion, were insufficient to establish her innocence and justify the imposition of a ministerial docket

Linturi was also overlooked because of veering off subject during the vetting process as he went ahead to answer questions that according to the committee were not even posed, failing to adequately address the rape and forgery charges brought against him. “The members found Linturi unsuitable to hold public office due to the gravity of the allegations and the court cases against him, the integrity questions, allegations and cases raised and the unsatisfactory responses he provided. The members, therefore, rejected his nomination,” reads the Committee’s report in part.

Former Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa was repudiated because of an ongoing legal dispute in which she is charged with allegedly murdering a man in 2019 during the Ganda Ward by-election. Jumwa’s allegations that she does not possess a firearm or a firearm license, in the Committee’s opinion, were insufficient to establish her innocence and justify the imposition of a ministerial docket.

“The members stated that they hold the strong view that the principle of presumption of innocence until one is proved guilty should never apply in situations of appointment to a high public office such as the Cabinet of the Republic of Kenya,” reads the report.

“The members, therefore, found Jumwa unsuitable to hold public office due to the gravity of the active criminal case against her, the integrity questions it raises and the unsatisfactory responses provided. The members, therefore, reject her nomination to the Cabinet.” Those approved by the committee in a report to be voted on by the House are 21 Cabinet Secretary nominees, Attorney General nominee Justin Muturi and Ms Mercy Wanjau, who had been nominated as Secretary to the Cabinet.

By Lavin Atieno

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