- The school Chief Principal John Simiyu Wakwabubi took a swipe at the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) following the parliamentary task force report that ranked it as the main suspect in exam leakage that was witnessed in some parts of the country. He said the backward vice was hurting hard-working students who end up not scoring their genuine grades as the exam is leaked to some schools. “Some of us who sacrifice a lot to record good results are perturbed by how some KNEC officials collude with schools, parents and even teachers to have the exam leaked in return for monetary gains and we are calling on the government through the Ministry of Education to crack the whip on these crooks and do a cleanup at the Examination Council
By Andanje Wakhungu
Friends Quaker church-affiliated schools within Kakamega County have agreed to hold joint exams courtesy of their sponsor. Already a team has been put in place to oversee the process that will bring together seven yearly meetings within the county to marshal support and supervise the setting of the joint exams that will bring together over 100 schools.
Speaking during the form one orientation ceremony at Friends Malava Boys, the Quaker education secretary and retired Chief Principal Masayi Mwalati informed the parents that as a church they were committed to sharpening and producing the best out of their children hence the introduction of county joint exams from the initial sub county one. Mwalati said the move was to ensure that schools sponsored by the Quaker faith excel in their end-year examination.

As a church, we have seen it fit to combine all the quarterly meetings and have one huge county exam body that will accommodate all the yearly meetings and this move is to bring harmony amongst our students and schools besides ensuring that as Quaker schools we remain a float on matters education as our main objective is to produce better, God-fearing candidates who can continue to proclaim our faith to higher levels. The exam which is set to begin this year is set to bring on board Malava, Lugari, Chevaywa, Chebuyusi, Central Kakamega and Musingu yearly meetings on board to form a county Quaker school exam panel that will test all its Quaker schools within the county unlike before where each yearly meeting held its exam. “It is on record that here in Malava we have been having 31 out of the 51 schools which we sponsor and have been sitting for these exams but now we are going to have the county exam that will not only sharpen our students but enlighten them to a broader competitive spectrum and this is good for them, the target is to broadened to the county level.”
The guest speaker Dr Mwangi Njuguna lauded the teachers for their commitment to teaching the students to excellence noting that teaching was a noble profession, like no other. He advised the students to be wary of the power of association where some students encourage others to hate certain teachers and subjects. He called on parents to closely monitor their children while at home especially those in universities whom he termed as a threat to society and themselves as a whole. Some of our university students are too clever for us the parents, if you are not digitally literal, you will be duped into believing the manuscripts they bring home as genuine, these fellows have gone way out of line with reality and want to short cut everything including good grades which they haven’t worked for, scrutinize everything they bring home from school as they will nearly forge anything to their benefit.
- Exam leakage was witnessed all over the country where KNEC officials traversed schools to broker deals with the principals on what number of good grades they wanted to be awarded before parting with hefty amounts of money. As Malava Boys, we chose to stick to our hard work and as our trend reveals we managed to attain 82 candidates scoring C plus and above with a mean of 5.6, it is time the education sector once and for all addressed this menace and ensure that those schools with genuine results get academic justice, for we are bitter that after all the efforts and sacrifice our teachers put in place the exam was leaked, this kills the morale of hard-working schools” -Malava Boys Chief Principal John Simiyu Wakwabubi
The school Chief Principal John Simiyu Wakwabubi took a swipe at the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) following the parliamentary task force report that ranked it as the main suspect in exam leakage that was witnessed in some parts of the country. He said the backward vice was hurting hard-working students who end up not scoring their genuine grades as the exam is leaked to some schools.“Some of us who sacrifice a lot to record good results are perturbed by how some KNEC officials collude with schools, parents and even teachers to have the exam leaked in return for monetary gains and we are calling on the government through the Ministry of Education to crack the whip on these crooks and do a cleanup at the examination council.
The leakage was witnessed all over the country where KNEC officials traversed schools to broker deals with the principals on what number of good grades they wanted to be awarded before parting with hefty amounts of money. As Malava Boys, we chose to stick to our hard work and as our trend reveals we managed to attain 82 candidates scoring C plus and above with a mean of 5.6, it is time the education sector once and for all addressed this menace and ensure that those schools with genuine results get academic justice, for we are bitter that after all the efforts and sacrifice our teachers put in place the exam was leaked, this kills the morale of hard-working schools” He observed that most of the schools appearing at the top in last year’s KCSE did not beat them at all even in the mock exams and wondered which miracle they apply to get to the top in the end-year exam. “I want to assure you, parents, that support this school as it is a true revolutionary institution where your sons will leave here better with good grades, we don’t need to bribe some people for us to get to the top because we are already at the top and you know that, we will continue being true to ourselves and we know the truth will come out soon.
In discipline cases, he cautioned parents not to give their children phones to school unless those from far and on an arrangement where the gadget should be surrendered to the school management upon arrival. We don’t want our students to engage in LGBTQ activities. Let’s keep talking to our students since there is no corporal punishment for it is only through communication that we will be able to understand their predicaments at school and home as well. LGBTQ is a raging issue and it should be handled with the seriousness it deserves if we have to salvage our young people from lesbianism and gay acts as it is a challenge in single-sex boarding schools.
On development, he narrated that so far, the board of management had set aside Ksh.3Million towards the completion of a storey building that will house a dining hall among other facilities after funds became insufficient in completing the project. The parents’ association chairman Andrew Masese urged parents to ensure their children are not on drugs and substance abuse by instilling good morals in them while at home during holidays.
“Parents do not leave your son to loiter around to unknown locations with unknown and bad company, always ask questions go through their rooms to ensure they are safe and clean from such substances, advise them on the dangers of such and by doing so we will be creating a sober and well-educated society as drugs go hand in hand with bad behavior such as LGBTQ.”