Youngsters Urged To Abide By Church Teachings

By Andanje Wakhungu

Young people from across the country have been challenged to embrace the teachings of the church as a way of living a righteous life. The sentiments were offered by retiring Salvation Army Church Lieutenant Colonel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Nollega Imbiakha, who have served the church for 32 years. They said the church has been at the forefront of reforming many lives, especially young people.

The two were awarded a certificate of service in the church by the Kenya West territorial commander, Colonel Geoff Webb, and his wife, Colonel Kalie Webb, at a colourful ceremony. The Imbiakha were lauded for their service delivery in Kenya and Uganda, where they managed to convert many young souls to the church.

The two retirees stressed the need to have a God-fearing generation. They have also served in various schools, including the Thika School for the Blind, where they taught and administered spiritual nourishment to the learners. Daniel Imbiakha stated that teachers had a role to play in the lives of young people and challenged school principals to adhere to the spiritual doctrine and ensure that their learners are God-fearing.

The couple stated that although they have retired, they will continue to advise and educate young people on the importance of leading a holy life. They have trained and offered service to congregants and spread the word of God to the masses. They served in the West Kenya territory before retiring, having served over 1600 churches in the region with over 1000 religious leaders.

“We thank the Salvation Army as we have served in Kenya and outside the country, in addition to having attended various full-paid educational conferences in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and the United Kingdom. This has assisted us in understanding the gospel well and being able to pass it on to the masses.