Elsie Muhanda Calls On Governor Barasa to Account For Ksh.17 B. County Revenue Allocation

By Andanje Wakhungu

Following the current impasse at the county assembly of Kakamega, several leaders are calling on Gen. Z protesters to put the executive on their toes as far as transparency and accountability in county affairs are concerned.

Led by the county women’s representative, Elsie Muhanda, the leaders, including members of the county assembly opposed to the alleged skewed style of leadership, have stated that Governor Fernandez Barasa has failed to account for the Ksh.17 billion county revenue allocation and has pocketed the executive and a section of MCA supporting him, shutting down those seen to be questioning his unfair distribution of resources.

“The Kakamega county assembly has been overrun by the executive, and worse things concerning funds are going on under the table. We want our crusaders, the Gen Z’s, to come on board and open the Pandora box for us to know exactly what is going on as those MCAs who could ask questions have been suspended, and the remaining have been forced to toe the line or also be thrown out, leaving the executive to do as I wish with the coffers monies.”

The leaders were speaking in Malava during the burial of the Chemuche ward administrator, Soita Imbogo, where only two wards have so far received the Ksh.4 million bursary out of the seven, and with the recent passing of the county budget, only a handful of MCAs supporting the governor were allowed to log online to propose and seconded, contrary to what the county law states.

The woman rep who is eyeing the county seat in 2027 after being recognized by Deputy Governor Ayub Savula when she arrived at the venue, considering that hardly a week ago she was in the same vicinity where her supporters roughed up Barasa supporters for booing her during her speech, was the first one to throw the salvo by announcing that the county assembly has been held captive by Barasa and his supporters, and normal operations of the county assembly were not forthcoming as the governor has compromised the Mcas while suspending others who do not agree to his style of leadership, and this has led to the grounding of most operations in the sub-counties.

Chemuche ward Mca Geoffrey Sikolia, who has been suspended over his hardline stand against the governor in the assembly over the change of the chief whip, and later, when he blew the whistle over the fake fertilizer, continued with his onslaught against bad leadership in the county, criticizing the discriminatory bursary disbursement, the staled Malava Diary plant, and municipality status that has since become a mirage, and cautioned the locals against being lured by a few individuals supporting Barasa for their selfish gains to brand them rebel leaders seeking justice as bad Mca’s but instead stand firm and demand equitable service delivery.

He said they will continue to push the governor to deliver accordingly, but come 2027, they will support Women Rep as their preferred candidate.

His sentiments were echoed by nominated Mca Isabella Mung’asia, who said the county had lost leadership direction and it was time for fresh and vibrant leaders to take charge, pointing out that the current women representative was experienced enough to head the county affairs.

Normally the county budget proposal is brought before the assembly for discussion and passing, but this time around the governor and a few close friends of his hijacked the whole process, and it was done at an unknown location, and we only heard it on the news that it had been approved. This is not the way the county should operate, especially on matters of finance that touch on all 60 wards. It is clear now that the governor is up to something mischievous, but as people representatives, we will play our full role of oversight to see that he is held accountable for any shortcomings. 

Earlier on, the leader of minority Kakamega County, David Ndakwa, was the first to raise the red flag after finding out that the county budget had been hijacked and passed by close cronies to the governor without their involvement whatsoever.