The Plot Thickens: Uhuru Kenyatta Assembles Political Squad To Challenge William Ruto In 2027

By Mdadisi Mmoja

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta is quietly orchestrating a coalition among his political allies spread across the country to kick President William Ruto from power in 2027. The team, according to sources will be led by current deputy president Rigathi Gachagu, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and former CS Fred Matiangi in that order. It is, however, not uncommon for former presidents to remain politically active and influential even after leaving office, as such there is nothing wrong with what Uhuru is doing.

Mr Kenyatta has made it clear to his confidants that he wants Mr Gachagua to replace William Ruto as the next president. This bold move is a direct challenge to the current power dynamics and could have significant implications for the future of Kenyan politics. Kenyatta’s endorsement of Gachagua is a clear indication that he believes his former personal assistant (PA) during their KANU days has the necessary skills and experience to lead the country, a decision that is likely to be met with both support and criticism from various political factions, as Gachagua is a polarizing figure known for his outspoken and sometimes controversial statements.

Uhuru Kenyatta’s decision to pick Rigathi Gachagua was a strategic move driven by a sense of betrayal by ODM leader Raila Odinga. Kenyatta felt that Mr Odinga had turned his back on him by aligning with President William Ruto. This perceived betrayal left Kenyatta with no choice but to craft a new political team to achieve his political goals.

The 2027 election will be a crucial test for Gachagua, who will need to convince the Kenyan electorate that he is the right person to lead the country forward. With Kenyatta’s backing, he will undoubtedly have a significant advantage, but he will also need to navigate the complex political landscape and address the pressing issues facing the country, such as economic development, corruption, and social inequality.

Five years ago, Uhuru Kenyatta handed Mr Matiang’i sweeping powers to oversee government programmes in his administration, signalling his confidence in the man during his final term in office as president. Uhuru Kenyatta has confidence in Matiang’i and his ability to protect minority tribes and the clamour for change by GZ. He feels Matian’g’i has a track record of having been a cabinet secretary in the Ministry of Education, where he interacted with the youth on many occasions. 

During his ten-year presidency, Uhuru Kenyatta built a formidable influence across the country, solidifying his position as the de facto political shepherd. However, his political stature suffered a significant blow following his decision to support opposition Chief Raila Odinga in the 2022 presidential polls. Kenyatta’s government invested significantly in infrastructure projects in the country; these developments, such as roads, schools, and hospitals, helped build his popularity and strengthen his support base.

As a result of these efforts, Kenyatta’s impact on the county’s political base has been significant, and his legacy remains a key factor in ongoing political developments, especially in central Kenya and parts of the Rift Valley. However, political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi says that any plans by Mt Kenya leaders to unseat President William Ruto in 2027 will not succeed.

“Mountain Kikuyus are uniting to remove Ruto in 2027. Nothing more. Nothing less. This is a suicidal scheme revealed too early. I am a Valley Kikuyu, and I will lead the rebellion against GEMA unity. Kikuyus are different. Valley Kikuyus will not be used by Mt Kikuyus,” he said on X.