DIG Lagat Calls On Officers To Uphold Professionalism And Accountability During His Tour Of Western Kenya

By Collins Wanzallah

Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of regular police Eliud Lagat completed his three-day tour of several police stations in the Western and Nyanza regions, with the last one being in Kisumu. He wound up his tour with a visit to Kondele Police Station and Nyanza Regional Police Headquarters on Friday, where he addressed the officers present.

During the visit, Mr Lagat emphasized to the officers the importance of serving members of the public responsibly and professionally and being guided by the law while being accountable for their every action. He commended the officers for their dedication to duty and appealed to them to embrace modern-day policing in addressing security challenges.

Deputy Police boss Eliud Lagat visited police stations in Nyanza and western region. .[Photos: Courtesy]

On mental wellness, Lagat noted that officers are often afflicted by mental health issues, urging them to seek assistance through the NPS Mental Wellness Department or by speaking to those close to them. Present at the two stations were Nyanza Regional Police Commander Patrick Tito, Nyanza Regional Criminal Investigations Officer George Kisaka, Kisumu County Police Commander Kizito Mutoro, Regional Staff Officer Personnel Dolly Badia, Director of Logistics at Kenya Police Service Peter Ndung’u, National Police Service spokesperson Dr. Resila Onyango, and Kenya Police Service deputy director of operations Benard Mbatha.

Earlier on, according to the NPS police spokesperson, Madam Onyango, Lagat made visits to two police stations in the neighbouring Vihiga county, where he visited Cheptulu and Mbale police stations. At Mbale Police Station, the DIG held discussions with officers present and later held a meeting at the Vihiga County Police Headquarters.

Regional Police Commander Western Region, Kiprono Langat, County Police Commander Peter Kattam, as well as County Criminal Investigations Officer (CCIO) Jackson Muriuki, were present. “Their discussion touched on security in the county, where regional police boss Langat noted that livestock and motor vehicle theft incidents that were rampant in the region last year were now under control while the fight against drug and substance abuse was still on, added Madam Resila Onyango.

On Friday morning, before Mr Lagat began his tour of police stations in Nyanza and Western regions, he made an unexpected stop by the road in the Kapkangani area under Kapsabet Patrol Base, where he held a brief discussion with traffic officers who were conducting traffic duties at the time. He asked the officers to steer clear of corruption, be accountable for their actions, and serve members of the public with dignity.