Panic Grips Top Parastatal Chiefs Under The Ministry Of Roads As Jobs Hang In Balance After Cabinet Shake-Up 

By The Weekly Vision Team

Top parastatal chiefs domiciled in the Ministry of Roads, Transport, and Public Works are in a state of panic and worried about their jobs after the recent changes in government.  A political truce between President William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga seems to have had significant repercussions on Kenya’s political and boardroom landscape.

The top parastatal bosses under the Ministry of Roads are, to mention but a few, Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA), where the Director General (DG) is Eng. Kung’u Ndung’u, Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA), whose DG is Eng. Silas Kinoti, and Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA), whose DG is Eng. Philemon Kandie, are a worried lot, sources say.

With the recent replacement of the entire cabinet, there is a feeling within government circles that the next big changes will affect permanent secretaries and parastatal heads. Earlier, even before the new cabinet changes were effected by President William Ruto, a director at KURA had already tried his hands at influencing changes within his parastatal.

The said director was involved in a sensitive situation where he allegedly gave out Ksh. 60 million to the former CS, who in turn was supposed to convince the KURA board of directors to appoint him as the new DG at KURA in place of the current DG, Silas Kinoti, whose contract is about to expire. He also enlisted the services of a female governor from his home region to push his bid in his effort to secure the DG position, through dubious means. The director has used significant financial resources and political influence to achieve his goal; so far, his efforts have yet to bear fruit, and the former CS is now out of office.

The expected changes in the parastatals are expected to foster collaboration and balance power among different factions of the political divide. Appointing members of Odinga’s party into key positions in government might be aimed at broadening political support, enhancing governance, or addressing specific challenges.

A former CS became the subject of scrutiny regarding his newfound flamboyant lifestyle, with the public asking questions about his source of wealth. There were sensitive accusations against the ex-CS; there are allegations of financial impropriety and influence peddling in parastatals under his ministry that need thorough instigations by concerned government agencies to uncover the truth.