Busia County Headed for Disaster Under Otuoma’s Inept and Corrupt Leadership

By Musa Mahfudh In Busia

Busia County Governor Paul Otuoma and his close associates are systematically driving the county towards severe socio-economic and political collapse due to the rampant cases of corruption, poor management and nepotism, all marked by arrogance. The crisis in Busia is being orchestrated by a group of illiterate school dropouts who have formed a protective barrier around the governor to further their selfish interests while highly qualified professionals from the county are side-lined.

Key figures in this clique include one nominated MCA from the governor’s constituency of Funyula, a governor’s PA called Noor and another close aid of the governor from Budalang’i constituency. An insider, who requested anonymity for safety reasons, stated, “Dr. Otuoma has allowed these individuals to dominate his inner circle, taking their bits of advice as final and side-lining professionals who were instrumental in his election.”

The nominated MCA, in particular, is described as a self-centred man who is involved in illegal activities. Last year, he allegedly used unorthodox means to ‘discipline’ perceived enemies of the governor during an ODM rally at Busia Polytechnic. Investigations by The Weekly Vision reveal that critical areas such as the county’s Information Communications and Technology (ICT) development programs are severely affected by Governor Otuoma’s mismanagement.  The has shown no interest in reviving the county newspaper, which could have addressed socio-economic and educational issues.

A long-serving source at the county ministry of information, who wished to remain anonymous, reported, “The CeC ICT and his team have tried to push for the implementation of these projects, but Dr Otuoma is unresponsive and unwilling to allocate the necessary funds. His focus is solely on social media and how his team reacts to it. His press team lacks a budget for their operations and progressive initiatives.”

These media platforms could have provided employment opportunities for the county’s youth, advertising spaces for local businesses, and a means for public participation. The source also revealed that Governor Otuoma does not have a television in his offices at the Agricultural Training Centre (ATC) or the Governor’s Lounge, unlike his predecessor, who had several televisions for public information. Otuoma is reportedly overconfident and has allegedly compromised mainstream media operatives based in the county through the County’s Chief Communications Officer.

Despite promises of ICT centres in every sub-county, these remain unfulfilled under Otuoma’s ineffective leadership. The county’s rural roads, electricity, water supplies, food security initiatives, and other critical projects are in disarray. The situation has led to abandonment by local MPs. Twice, the government invited legislators to private development meetings, but none attended, except for Budalang’i MP Raphael Wanjala. Former Teso South legislator Geoffrey Omuse highlighted a recent attempt by Otuoma to host MPs at his second wife’s home with lavish arrangements, but again, attendance was lacking.

The disconnect between the governor and the other county leadership is evident, with ongoing disputes between Otuoma and County Senator Okiya Omtata, as well as with the county’s MCAs. The MCAs, led by Speaker Fred Odilo, previously threatened impeachment over corruption and mismanagement but later dropped the motion after secret negotiations.

Recent developments also reveal corruption at high levels, including the multi-million shilling construction of kiosks in Busia town and the proposed Mundika trailer park and bypass, where reports suggest that millionaire tycoons of Somali origin and Mt. Kenya are involved at the expense of local interests.