Edwin Sifuna’s Disgruntlement Worsens As Raila Odinga Excludes Him From Key Decisions

By The Weekly Vision Team

It is becoming apparent now that ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna is no longer actively engaged in the affairs of his party. The recent political events in the country between President William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga have contributed to Mr Sifuna opting to stay away from active politics for now.

The Weekly Vision’s investigations show that Mr Sifuna is a disgruntled figure, having been marginalised by his party leader, Raila Odinga, on several issues where he should have been included in the decision-making process. Sources within ODM indicate that Mr Odinga did not consult Sifuna concerning the power arrangement between him and President Ruto, which led to the appointment of four senior ODM party members into the cabinet. 

It is believed that Mr Odinga sidestepped Sifuna, who is known for his strong opposition to President Ruto. Mr Odinga believed Mr Sifuna would not support his proposal over the cabinet deal with President Ruto.  Within the ODM party, some believe that it would have been appropriate for Mr Odinga to have included his party’s secretary general in those deliberations. 

The narrative now says that, unlike Ali Hassan Joho, who opted for a sabbatical leave after the last elections, Sifuna was actively involved in every demonstration organised by Azimio. At a certain time, he faced arrest during the demonstrations and was the first senator to place a sufuria on his head during the protests. There is a common perception that Raila ought to have considered him for one of the cabinet positions.

Sifuna once confidently reprimanded those who were considering joining the cabinet during a live television program, also dismissing allegations that the ODM was willing to partner with Ruto. It is imperative to note that since that day, Citizen TV has never invited Sifuna to participate in the morning show. Could it be on instruction from above?

It is also imperative to note that, like any other Kenyan, Sifuna, even though he is ODM’s secretary general, learnt of the appointment of the 4 ODM members as CS through the national news. Sources say Sifuna has been advised to take a back seat and to stop making any negative comments on ODM joining the broad-based government for his political survival.

It is being whispered that Sifuna is so disappointed to the extent that he did not even attend Wycliffe Oparanya’s homecoming party, nor did he appear during Ruto’s tour of the four counties of Nyanza.