Auditor General Unveils Shocking Irregularities in How Political Parties’ Spend Public Funds

Auditor General Nancy Gathungu has uncovered significant irregularities in the use of millions of shillings allocated to political parties through the Political Parties Fund. An audit of around 25 political parties, both large and small, reveals financial improprieties such as unsupported expenses, failure to establish the required number of party offices in 25 counties, and undocumented use of goods and services.

Parties implicated include Amani National Congress (ANC), linked to Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi; Wiper Party, led by Kalonzo Musyoka; NARC Kenya, associated with Martha Karua; KANU, headed by Gideon Moi; Safina Party, led by businessman Jimmy Wanjigi; Tujibebe Party, led by former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo; Democratic Party of Kenya, Kadu Asili, Chama Cha Uzalendo, and several smaller parties.

The Wiper Party, in particular, was flagged for failing to account for Ksh 7.2 million of the Ksh 343.3 million it received from the Political Parties Fund. It also faced scrutiny over Ksh 15.8 million in general expenses and failed to establish the required number of offices. Auditors found that despite visiting 38 counties, the party only had 14 offices, excluding nine unvisited counties, falling short of legal requirements.

ANC was found to have unsupported expenditures of Ksh 1.23 million that were not part of its procurement plan, as well as Ksh 3.6 million in undocumented trade and other payables. Additionally, ANC failed to meet office establishment requirements, with only seven offices across seven counties.
NARC Kenya had financial discrepancies amounting to Ksh 8.3 million and violated statutory spending limits, using 249% of the operational grant it received from the Political Parties Fund. The party was also cited for irregular procurement practices, including payments for election materials without proper documentation or procurement reviews. KANU was criticized for incomplete asset records, undisclosed staff information, and failing to set up sufficient offices, having established only five offices, contrary to the law.

The Democratic Party was flagged for unsupported revenue from the Registrar of Political Parties amounting to Ksh 2.7 million and unverified public contributions and donations of Ksh 444,620. These findings highlight widespread non-compliance and financial mismanagement across Kenya’s political parties.