Kakamega Unveils 2025 Open Government Partnership Action Plan

By Hilda Atika

The County Government of Kakamega, in partnership with development organisations, civil society groups, and the business community, has officially launched the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan 2025 and the Public Participation and Civic Education Policy.

The event, which took place at a hotel in Kakamega, featured discussions on public participation and the Civic Education Policy. The Action Plan includes a series of strategic documents designed to enhance transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement within the county.

The OGP is a multilateral initiative bringing together reformers from both governmental and non-governmental sectors, aimed at transforming service delivery to citizens by promoting an open and inclusive governance framework.

Dr. Bonface Okoth, the County Executive Committee Member for Public Service and County Administration, who represented Governor Fernandes Barasa at the event, expressed his gratitude to development partners, particularly Mzalendo Trust, for their technical and financial contributions in developing these comprehensive documents.

He stated that the initiative marks a significant step forward in the Governor’s six developmental pillars aimed at strengthening good governance in Kakamega County. The Action Plan and policy are expected to enhance citizen participation and institutional accountability.

Dr Okoth also mentioned the upcoming establishment of a call centre designed to improve communication between the government and the community, to enhance service delivery and ensure transparent access to information. He highlighted the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman, which is now operational and addressing public grievances.

Mr. Gitungo Wamere, Programme Officer at Mzalendo Trust (the OGP Civil Society Lead in Kenya), praised the County Government for its commitment to promoting transparency, inclusivity, and accountability. He emphasised Mzalendo Trust’s role in advocating for and monitoring legislative openness in parliaments across Kenya and Africa and reaffirmed their support for the successful implementation of the action plan.

The event was well attended, with notable figures including Dr Phitalis Masakhwe (Chief Officer for Service Delivery), Ben Makotsi (State Director for Social Development), Nelson Majimbo (County Ombudsman), Omwendo, representatives from civil society organisations such as KAKDET, and various county officials.