Mzungu Woman Sells Her Father’s House to Educate Kids of Her Kenyan Toy Boy

Love knows no boundaries and sometimes can make people do crazy things. Just ask Alexa, a Mzungu woman who fell head over heels for a young Bukusu man from Webuye. She has been living with him in western Kenya for the last 9 months, and they are getting ready to tie the knot.

Their romance began in 2021, on a sunny beach in Mombasa. There, Alexa met Onesmus Sitati, a beach boy who made a living by entertaining tourists. He had a hard life and a string of failed relationships.

“I was always broke and struggling. The girls I dated left me because I couldn’t provide for them. Whenever I got some money from the Wazungus, I would spend it all on useless things,” he said.

But then, he heard about Mugwenu Doctors, a group of herbalists who have love charms and spells that could fix any relationship problem. He decided to give them a call, and they gave him a Spell with Power to command.

“They told me that whoever I spoke to would obey me. But they also warned me not to abuse the spell or misuse it,” he said.

The next week, he saw Alexa, a rich 37-year-old woman who smiled at him. He helped her get on a camel. He gathered courage and whispered in her ear, “please change my life”.

That was the beginning of their fairy tale.

Alexa moved in with Sitati, and transformed started his life. She sold one of her father’s houses, and used the money to build a permanent house, a machine drilled well, and buy some cows for Sitati’s parents.

At the moment, she is paying for the education of Sitati’s two children, whom he had with two women who had dumped him.

The children lived in Bungoma with Sitati’s parents.

Alexa has opened a shop for Sitati, and he quit his job as a beach boy. At the time of writing this story, Alexa was four months pregnant with Sitati’s child, and they are planning to move to the UK once his visa is approved.

How much experience do Mugwenu Doctors have?

Mugwenu Doctors are revered across East Africa for their unmatched abilities to cast working spells and solve health and marital problems.

They have been helping people for 25 years now and the spells they cast usually work within 24 hours or the same day they are cast.

Among other spells they provide are:

What are Love spells?

These are a type of magic that aim to influence the feelings and actions of a person towards another person to attract, enhance, or restore a romantic relationship. 

What are Spells to control spouse?

These assist you in pushing your partner into doing what you want. They prevent infidelity and increase loyalty.

How do Spells to treat madness work?

Mugwenu Doctors provide this form of healing magic that aim to cure mental disorders.

What are Business cleansing spells?

 These are a type of prosperity magic. They remove obstacles or bad luck from a business or workplace. They attract customers and increase sales, profits and teamwork.

Spells to see enemies in dreams

This is a type of divination magic that reveals one’s enemies. They provide insight and expose secrets or resolve conflicts.

A good example of this is the spell a Nairobi businesswoman used to expose a Uji Power seller who was putting viagra in the porridge to lure customers.

The rogue businesswoman was exposed after the fellow trader had dreams of a fellow businessperson putting blue pellets in porridge. Her face was made clear to her and she reported her to the authorities. The authorities conducted an investigation, and the uji power seller was arrested.

The hotel owner who had dreams about the pills acquired the spell from Mugwenu Doctors following several cases of food poisoning at her business that she needed to prevent.

What are Lucky charms for financial problems?

These bring good luck, fortune, or protection to the person who owns or carries them. They enhance one’s chances or luck or opportunities in matters related to money, wealth and prosperity. 

Are there spells for barrenness?
Barrenness Spells: Also known as fertility magic. They aim to overcome the inability to conceive or bear children.

They are often used to fulfil one’s desire to have offspring or increase chances of carrying a pregnancy to term without complications and ensuring safe delivery.

How to contact Mugwenu Doctors

Do you want to have the power to command anyone to do anything you want? Do you want to make your lover stay faithful, loyal, and obedient to you? Do you want to cure your mental problems, cleanse your business, or see your enemies in your dreams? Do you want to have good luck and fortune in your financial matters?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to contact Mugwenu Doctors today. They are the best herbalists in East Africa, with 25 years of experience in casting effective spells that work within 24 hours. They have helped thousands of people like you to achieve their goals and dreams.

Don’t wait any longer. Call them now on +254740637248

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You can also visit their website at  to learn more about their services and testimonials.

Mugwenu Doctors are the real deal. They will change your life for the better. Trust them, and you will never regret it.