Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale Faces Backlash for Snubbing Parliamentary Summons

Environment Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale, alongside Principal Secretaries Festus Ng’eno (Environment and Climate Change) and Gitonga Mugambi (Forestry), is under fire after reportedly ignoring a summons from the National Assembly’s Departmental Committee on Environment, Forestry, and Mining.

The summons was issued for a crucial meeting in Mombasa to discuss important policy and budgetary matters. During a tense session at Serena Beach Resort and Spa, chaired by Nakuru East MP David Gikaria, committee members expressed their outrage, accusing CS Duale and his team of showing disrespect and insubordination. Their absence was viewed as a direct challenge to Parliament’s authority, prompting the committee to consider decisive action.

Efforts to address ministry matters through junior officials were quickly rejected by the committee, which insisted that top ministry officials, if not the CS and Principal Secretaries, must be present for such critical discussions.

“Has there been any official communication regarding their absence? Are they sick? If so, where’s the written explanation?” demanded Baringo South MP and committee Vice-Chair Charles Kamuren. “CS Duale is new in this role, but he’s already starting off on the wrong foot. We expect a certain level of seriousness.”

Gikaria attempted to clarify that CS Duale had informed him via phone about his unavailability due to urgent matters involving the Deputy President. He also noted that PS Ng’eno was unable to attend due to a worsening ear infection. However, these explanations did little to assuage the committee’s frustrations, which insisted on formal communication regarding their absences.

“Chairman, this is parliamentary business, not personal business. A letter should have been sent to the clerk by the CS. We can’t operate on phone calls,” retorted Msambweni MP Feisal Bader, emphasizing the need for adherence to parliamentary protocols.

Kacheliba MP Titus Lotee expressed his disappointment, highlighting the necessity of the meeting. “We needed answers on how Sh4 billion was spent in four days during the Africa Climate Summit last year. We also need to know about the Sh800 million allocated for forest fires—where did those fires occur, and how was the money used? The president pledged to plant 10 billion trees in ten years; what’s the status? These are pressing questions that demand answers, but the officials didn’t show up.”

Kilifi County Woman Representative Gertrude Mbeyu echoed these concerns, stating that without formal apologies, the reasons provided for the absences were unacceptable.

Bura MP Yakub Adow described the absence as arrogant and vowed to submit a motion to discuss the conduct of the officials in Parliament. “They’ve wasted public resources by sending officers who can’t handle the issues at hand. This disrespect cannot go unchecked,” he declared.