How Raila Odinga’s Phone Call To Uhuru Kenyatta From Dubai Saved Jubilee Party 

Sources say Raila Odinga first called his Azimio brigade led by Kalonzo Musyoka, Martha Karua and Eugene Wamalwa and asked them to rush and help rescue the Jubilee party from Kanini Kega and his team. Acting on reports that Kega’s group had the blessings of the government which had deployed a contingent of heavily armed police officers to oversee the takeover, Mr Odinga is said to have acted with speed and reached out to Uhuru Kenyatta through the phone pleading with him to personally take charge and rush to save his party

Details have emerged of how a phone call by Azimio leader Raila Odinga to the now-retired president and Jubilee Party leader Uhuru Kenyatta saved the party from falling into the hands of a rival group. Mr Raila Odinga who was on holiday in Dubai is said to have landed on some intelligence details of how the coup was about to happen at the Jubilee party headquarters. The planned coup was engineered by a top leader in the KK government, the self-proclaimed acting Secretary General Kanini Kega was only acting on orders.

Sources say Raila Odinga first called his Azimio brigade led by Kalonzo Musyoka, Martha Karua and Eugene Wamalwa and asked them to rush and help rescue the Jubilee party from Kanini Kega and his team. Acting on reports that Kega’s group had the blessings of the government which had deployed a contingent of heavily armed police officers to oversee the takeover, Raila Odinga acted with speed and reached out to Uhuru Kenyatta through the phone pleading with him to personally take charge and rush to save the party.

We have gathered that by asking Uhuru Kenyatta to personally move in and safeguard the party headquarters which by then had turned into a battleground, Mr Odinga achieve two things. First, how Uhuru Kenyatta arrived at the scene and ordered police officers to leave was meant to provoke police to attempt to throw teargas at the retired president and to expose the Kenya Kwanza government as an administration with no respect for its senior citizens. 

The plot began immediately after the elections when Rigathi Gachagua told his handlers that they must capture the entire Mount Kenya region considering that he is the second in command and therefore the de facto leader of the region. According to our sources, Rigathi Gachagua reached out to Mr Kega whom he promised enough votes from KK legislators in parliament to secure a slot at the East African Legislative Assembly. True to the DP’s word Mr Kega was voted in overwhelmingly by KK-allied legislators. With the mission fulfilled, Mr Kega retreated to take over the Jubilee Party with Mr Kioni fighting back with the help of Azimio’s leadership

This was also meant to give Azimio more grounds to continue with their planned mass protests and demonstrations scheduled for 2nd May 2023. Second, the move by Uhuru Kenyatta was also meant to show the public that Uhuru is actively involved in Azimo politics and those who thought that he had given up were in for a rude shock.

Further, any attempts to teargas Uhuru Kenyatta would have badly exposed the government to the international community, how Kenya was on the verge of collapse and the International Criminal Court (ICC) would have had strong grounds to act on Azimio’s letter. Uhuru’s actions spoke volumes and those who could read between the lines must agree that Uhuru Kenyatta is ready to sacrifice everything to salvage Jubilee from collapsing.

Uhuru Kenyatta’s move has however split the Mount Kenya political class with the majority supporting his actions. This has left those who had plotted to take over the party in deep shock. It will not be a surprise now to see Uhuru Kenyatta leading demonstrations on 2nd May 2023.  

The aborted coup a few days ago revealed the real faces fuelling the ongoing Jubilee Party power struggle between Secretary-General Jeremiah Kioni and East African Legislative Assembly MP Kanini Kenga. The plot to oust the current Jubilee Party leadership is not about joining Kenya Kwanza Coalition but a well-planned move to ensure politicians allied to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagwa take control of the party. 

The plot began immediately after the elections when Rigathi Gachagua told his handlers that they must capture the entire Mount Kenya region considering that he is the second in command and therefore the de facto leader of the region. According to our sources, Rigathi Gachagua reached out to Mr Kega whom he promised enough votes from KK legislators in parliament to secure a slot at the East African Legislative Assembly. True to the DP’s word Mr Kega was voted in overwhelmingly by KK-allied legislators. With the mission fulfilled, Mr Kega retreated to take over the Jubilee Party with Mr Kioni fighting back with the help of Azimio’s leadership.

 We have discovered that the DG knows that with Kioni as Jubilee’s SG and his deep roots in Azimio, his mission to take over the party remains a pipe dream. It is against such worries that the DP has been fuelling the division in Jubilee with a view to either taking over or destroying it altogether. What is worrying the DP is the manner Mr Kioni has become politically relevant in the Mount Kenya region, attacking the DP publicly at every available opportunity.

It was not by coincidence that Mr Kioni was the one Azimio tasked to break the news of a whistle-blower, claiming that Azimio Presidential aspirant Raila Odinga won the presidential elections. To make matters worse for the DP, Kioni’s war against him has been boosted by former Muranga Governor Mwangi Wa Iria who again has no respect for the DP.

The Kioni/Wa Iria joint attacks on the DP have weakened him in the region. President Ruto’s handlers are however said to be enjoying the circus since they do not wish to see the DP bragging as the Mount Kenya region kingpin. We have information that another issue fuelling the Jubilee wars is the control of the party’s Ksh. 135 million from a share of the Political Parties Fund.

Sauces say both factions of Kioni and Kega are plotting on how to control, budget and spend the money, with no sides ready to surrender, the Afro-cinema continues. We have also gathered that the Jubilee Party power games could find their way into the bi-partisan talks as Azimio is said to be crafting demands that Kenya Kwanza should not fuel division in their affiliate party. With the weekly demonstrations expected to resume, Azimio could use the demos to ensure Mr Kega and his sponsors keep off Jubilee Party affairs.

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