Kenyan And India Sign(MOU) To Develop The Textile Industry Further

The Deputy High Commissioner & DPR to UNEP & UN-HABITAT Rohit Vadhwana noted that Kenya will benefit from its collaboration with India by generating employment skills for the youth

By Lavin Atieno

Kenya and India have signed a deal that establishes a foundation to support and promote trade and investment in the textile industry between the two countries. According to the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), both countries will get an opportunity to bring investments by showcasing their culture in the textile industry thus channeling investors for growth and expansion of the industry.

According to a statement released by India ITME an apex body in India, the partnership seeks to ensure that Kenya as a country gains adequate experience in the textile industry to enable her to acquire spinning dominance in the industry by having access to the state-of-the-art textile machinery manufactured in India.

The Deputy High Commissioner & DPR to UNEP & UN-HABITAT Rohit Vadhwana noted that Kenya will benefit from its collaboration with India by generating employment skills for the youth with it being evident how India has achieved a lot in developing their textile industry.

“India has achieved strength in the textile industry and has developed policies and various schemes to promote both Traditional textile craft as well as compete globally in modern clothing requirements,” he said.

The revival of Rivatex Kenya by former President Uhuru Kenyatta was a big milestone in the development of the Kenyan textile industry. Kenyan textiles and apparel exports grew by 5% in the 2021 financial year compared to the 2017 financial year while textile imports increased by 10% in the 2021 financial year.

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