President William Ruto Finally Unveils His Cabinet Two Weeks After He Was Sworn In Office

 President William Ruto has finally named his cabinet with ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi being appointed Prime Cabinet Secretary. Mr Mudavadi will be the most senior official in government after the President and his deputy. Mudavadi is set to assist the two in supervising government ministries and state departments, and implementing government policies, programmes and projects. He will also help with facilitating inter-ministerial work of cross-functional programmes aside from other functions that he may be assigned by the President in due course.

Musalia Mudavadi’s appointment is a fulfilment of the campaign promise made to the people of Western Kenya where Mr Musalia hails that he would be given the job. President Ruto also appointed Prof Kithure Kindiki as Interior cabinet Secretary; he was among those earlier considered as deputy to the president before he settled on Rigathi Gachagua. The Garissa Township MP Aden Duale has been appointed to head the ministry of Defense while former Kilifi MP Aisha Jumwa will head the Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action ministry.

Zachariah Mwangi will spearhead the Ministry of Lands while former Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua will head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Agriculture and Livestock docket will be headed by Mithika Linturi. The Ministry of Health which was formerly headed by Mutahi Kagwe will now be under Susan Nakhumicha Wafula. The Treasury will be headed by former CBK governor Prof Njuguna Ndung’u.

The Head of State also appointed Alice Wahome as Cabinet Secretary for water and sanitation, Moses Kuria as Trade Cabinet Secretary and the East African Community Ministry will be headed by Rebecca Miano. The ministry of Roads, Transport and Public Works will be headed by Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen. Soipan Tuya will head the ministry of Environment and Forestry. The longest-serving Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Tourism Najib Balala will be replaced by Ms Peninah Malonza.

Mr Ezekiel Machogu will replace George Magoha as Education Cabinet Secretary as long-term Ruto ally Davis Chirchir will head the Energy Ministry. The Youth Affairs ministry will be headed by Mr Ababu Namwamba, Cooperatives by Simon Chelugui and Mining by Salim Mvurya. The Labour ministry will be headed by Ms Florence Bore.

Former CS in the ministry of Energy, Monica Juma will now serve as Security Advisor in President Ruto’s government. During his address, the Head of State also noted that the current Inspector General of police Hillary Mutyambai has gone on terminal leave because of existing medical conditions but he. He nominated Eng. Japhet Koome to replace Mr Mutyambai. Mr Koome’s name will be forward to Parliament for consideration.  The Directorate of Criminal Investigations boss George Kinoti also resigned.

By Lavin Atieno
Lavin At

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