CS Nominee Davis Chirchir Promimises ToLower Cost Of Energy

Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary nominee Davis Chirchir has provided his plans to be addressed to cut the nation’s high energy costs. Mr Chirchir exuded confidence in his depth of knowledge and comprehension of his position during his vetting process before the Parliamentary Committee on Appointments.

He said he would make sure that the cost of power to customers and its production, transmission, and distribution is reasonable. He provided a thorough overview of the various forms of energy, promising that if appointed to the position, he would ensure that each of the power sections produced the greatest amount of energy at the lowest cost to the government, thereby reducing the cost to consumers.

“Having served as the CS of Energy and Petroleum, I can say with some level of authority, I understand the sector and challenges which afflict the sector,” Chirchir stated. “We must do proper planning, get the correct power mix and ensure we feed our power to the grid at the right cost.”

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