Kalonzo Musyoka Accuses President Ruto Of Shifting Fundamental Decisions From Government To Himself

Mr Kalonzo Musyoka of the Azimio One Kenya Coalition party has accused President Wiliam Ruto of making crucial decisions affecting the country’s governance without seeking counsel. The accusations come a day after the president’s speech during the Mashujaa day celebrations where he addressed policy changes on issues of genetically modified products (GMOs), private partnerships and water provision.

“Who prepared the report leading to the ongoing purge of the DCI? Who decided that we can manufacture fertilizers jointly with a neighbouring country or build dams on a PPP basis?”-Kalonzo Musyoka

The policies were met with opposition after Kalonzo accused him of being dictatorial. “We are staring at the emergence of a personalized dictatorship in which a leader decides to avoid constraints and believes he does not need to consult anyone on decision-making. We are seeing a leader’s personal philosophy, fears and ambitions being presented to the country as policies. It is a one-man show” Following the Head of State’s decision to suspend the DCI Special Service Unit, Kalonzo now seeks to know who wrote the report informing the disbandment.

“Who prepared the report leading to the ongoing purge of the DCI? Who decided that we can manufacture fertilizers jointly with a neighbouring country or build dams on a PPP basis?” The wiper leader allayed his fears of the President making decisions based on his interests rather than the nation’s, a move that he thinks may chip away from consultative leadership frameworks that have been in use over the years by the country’s former presidents. “Ruto appears to be shifting fundamental decision-making from the government to himself and perhaps actually to his party. We fear that these events are an early insight into the intentions of Kenya Kwanza leadership and administration.”

By Lavin Atieno

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