Why Cleophas Malala May Remain In The Political Cold Until 2027

President William Ruto and his allies have no soft spot for Mr Malala whom they accuse of political greed after he defied calls by the UDA party leader to shelve his ambitions in support of Hon.Boni Khalwale for the gubernatorial race.  According to well-placed sources, it was Ruto’s game plan to have Khalwale of UDA go for the gubernatorial seat while ANC which was seen as the dominant party in the county go for the Senatorial seat

The immediate former Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala who unsuccessfully vied for the county’s gubernatorial seat could remain in the political cold until the next general elections in 2027, sources say.

The Weekly Vision can today reveal how President William Ruto and his allies have no soft spot for Mr Malala whom they accuse of political greed after he defied calls by the UDA party leader to shelve his ambitions in support of Hon.Boni Khalwale for the gubernatorial race.  According to well-placed sources, it was Ruto’s game plan to have Khalwale of UDA go for the gubernatorial seat while ANC which was seen as the dominant party in the county go for the Senatorial seat.

Sources say during campaigns, Khalwale asked his supporters to vote for the ODM candidate Fernandes Barasa for the gubernatorial seat. Barasa is also said to have asked his supporters to vote for Khalwale for the senatorial seat.  It is against this background that at the end of it, Khalwale garnered 247,860 votes while Malala got 159,508 votes. This means that 88,352 ODM supporters voted for Khalwale to make him the Senator

We have gathered that during the meeting held at the then DP’s residence in Karen, the ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi and his Ford-Kenya counterpart Moses Wetangula had agreed to support Khalwale for the gubernatorial seat but Malala could not cede ground.

Sources divulged that Malala even threatened to walk out on the three leaders and run independently if he was not allowed to fly the gubernatorial flag. Finally, Khalwale accepted to withdraw his candidature in favour of Malala. Word then later leaked out that UDA was working with ODM to frustrate Malala and the man who engineered the plot to bring down Malala politically was Khalwale.

Sources say during campaigns, Khalwale asked his supporters to vote for the ODM candidate Fernandes Barasa for the gubernatorial seat. Barasa is also said to have asked his supporters to vote for Khalwale for the senatorial seat.  It is against this background that at the end of it, Khalwale garnered 247,860 votes while Malala got 159,508 votes. This means that 88,352 ODM supporters voted for Khalwale to make him the Senator.

Malala on realizing that Ruto and Khalwale were plotting his political downfall, publicly attacked both Ruto and Khalwale. He went further to even remove Ruto’s image from his campaign posters and replaced Ruto’s image with that of Musalia Mudavadi on the right and Moses Wetangula on the left of the posters. The then DP got wind of it and vowed to teach him a lasting political lesson.

As things stand now, there are zero chances of Malala getting any state job and could remain in the political cold until the 2027 elections when he will most likely run for a parliamentary seat.

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