Trouble At Jubilee Insurance Over Failure To Implement The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

Sources divulged that following the interventions by the conciliator, BIFU, Jubilee Insurance and Jubilee Allianz General Insurance finally held negotiations on the 6th July 2022 where they agreed on a 7% salary, house allowance and leave allowance increments to be back-dated to January 2021

All is not well at Jubilee Insurance after employees threatened to down their tools if the company fails to honour and sign the negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for registration and implementation. Some of the disgruntle employees who talked to The Weekly Vision on strict condition of anonymity for fear of victimization accused Jubilee Insurance and Jubilee Allianz General Insurance of failing to listen to their needs more so on matters touching on their remuneration. 

Sources say union officials have made numerous unsuccessful attempts through the Banking and Insurance Finance Union (BIFU) to sit down with the company management and negotiate, resulting in the registration of a trade dispute between BIFU and Jubilee Insurance/Jubilee Allianz General Insurance at the Ministry of Labour, where a conciliator was appointed to have both sides negotiate and resolve the dispute.

Sources divulged that following the interventions by the conciliator, BIFU, Jubilee Insurance and Jubilee Allianz General Insurance finally held negotiations on the 6th July 2022 where they agreed on a 7% salary, house allowance and leave allowance increments to be back-dated to January 2021.

The new CBA was drafted and presented to Jubilee Insurance Company for signing on 7th October 2022. However, Jubilee Insurance has reportedly declined to forward the signed copies of the CBA for registration and implementation, despite several reminders sent asking.

It has been noticed that Jubilee has however come up with new tricks to arm-twisting union staff members into giving up union membership and have their arrears paid in return. Sources say this has forced a few employees to give up on their union membership to have their arrears paid due to the financial challenges. Union officials are now threatening to give a strike notice upon expiry of the notice they shall call on their members to down their tools.

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