Power Struggle Hits Kitui Governor Julius Malombe’s Administration

A secret power struggle has hit the Kitui County government with Governor Julius Malombe accusing a section of MCAs of plotting to sabotage his administration. Sources within the assembly told The Weekly Vision that the County Assembly Speaker Kevin Kinengo who is not in very good books with Governor Malombe is the one leading section of MCAs in a rebellion against the governor.

Governor Malombe is however said to enjoy overwhelming support from a majority of the MCAs. It has been whispered that some MPS have been holding secret meetings to sabotage the governor just the same way they did to immediate former governor Charity Ngilu.

Sources further divulged that some of the anti-Malombe MCAs were behind the failed vetting of County Executive Committee Members last week. Other sources however revealed that it was the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) which directed the assembly not to approve nominees for an appointment without being cleared by the commission through the integrity vetting process.

It is also being whispered that some of the governor’s nominees have integrity issues while others are alleged to have fake certificates.  The Speaker is said to have secretly written to various universities seeking to know how authentic the nominee’s degree certificates were.

The Kitui County Assembly has a large number of newcomers after a majority of incumbents lost in the last general election. Only four of the 40 MCAs returned to the House. Of the 40 elected MCAs, Judith Wanza is the only female member.

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