Kitui County Wiper Party MCA Replaced As Majority Leader Over Links With UDA MP

Just a few months after his appointment as the Majority Deputy Leader in Kitui County Assembly, Erastus Mbuno has unceremoniously been kicked out in unclear circumstances by the Wiper Party leadership. Sources divulged to The Weekly Vision that the first time MCA was not loyal to the party hence his removal.

It has been discovered that the MCA had even during the campaign period, allegedly received financial support regularly from Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai, a claim that he vehemently denied. Another school of thought had it that his removal was a product of secret fights in the Kitui assembly. Mbuno is being accused of fueling conflict between the Kitui county assembly speaker Kelvin Kinengo and the Kitui county governor Julius Malombe.

Jacqueline Kalenga

So far, the Wiper party has not issued any statement on what led them to change its leadership within that short period. Sources say the Wiper Party had pledged to the Kitui East constituency house leadership position and that is how he landed the position.

Upon assuming office, it has been whispered that Mbuno has been a close ally to the MP something Wiper leadership did not take kindly. It is against such fears of betrayal that Wiper pulled a fast one on him and replaced him with Jacqueline Kalenga also from Kitui East.

Kalenga who is a nominated MCA is said to be a close ally to Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka. Her nomination by Mr Kalonzo was met with mixed reactions but the dust settled. Even her nomination to replace Mbuno is a move that has already caused jitters in the party with a majority of the MCA secretly protesting against the move.

Political leaders from Kitui claim that nominating Mbuno for deputy majority leader was a good gesture, he is young and sharp, and he has a future in politics but removing him within two months and replacing him with his sister Kalenga is playing a brother against a sister and playing my young siblings against each other.

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