Kipruto Kirwa Begs President William Ruto For Forgiveness

Last week, Mr Kirwa said he regrets having abandoned William Ruto in his hour of need and asked for forgiveness, with sources telling The Weekly Vision that he has even sent out emissaries to President Ruto but his handlers are said to have dismissed him

Former United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Vice Chair Kipruto Kirwa now says he regrets dumping William Ruto for Raila Odinga’s Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition. The former legislature who sources say was promised a ministerial position had Raila Odinga won the presidency in the August 9th elections is now said to be on a mission to try and mend fences with President Ruto but power brokers within the corridors of power have placed obstacles in his path.

Last week, Mr Kirwa said he regrets having abandoned William Ruto in his hour of need and asked for forgiveness. Sources told The Weekly Vision that Mr Kirwa has even sent out emissaries to President Ruto but his handlers are said to have dismissed him. The president’s team said he is an opportunist who campaigned against their man and now wants to be welcome to the table to share the cake he never participated in its baking.  Mr Kirwa has described quitting Kenya Kwanza as the lowest moment of his life.

“When I decamped from Kenya Kwanza, I was not decamping to join the opposition. I was hoping Azimio would make it to government, so it was the lowest point when things failed to work out,” he said. The source said Mr Kirwa was lured to join the party by Raila’s running mate in the last general elections Martha Karua. It was Karua who unveiled Kirwa at a political rally in Sirisia, Bungoma County.

“I realized there was no democracy in UDA and from today, I’ve resigned as the party’s vice chair and I’ll support Raila for the presidency,” Kirwa said. According to the former Cherangany MP, his decision to leave UDA started soon after the DP and Raila chose their running mates. He noted that after 13 days of thinking he decided to call Azimio’s presidential running mate Martha Karua and asked her to be the one to announce his coming to the Azimio la Umoja camp.

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