Azimio Allied MCA’s In Nairobi Warn DP Gachagua Against Attacks On Governor Sakaja

The MCAs now claim that DP Rigathi and Kenya Kwanza are secretly plotting Sakaja’s downfall after he declined to take orders from above. Initially, the DP believed that Sakaja would be a political puppet who would be taking orders and consulting him before making major decisions at City Hall including appointments

A section of MCA’s in Nairobi allied to the Azimio coalition has come out strongly in full support of Governor Johnson Sakaja over what they term as unnecessary attacks by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagwa. The MCA’s led by Korogocho Ward MCA Absolom Onyango has told Gachagua to concentrate on service delivery to Kenyans instead of fighting the Governor’s move to relocate matatus from Nairobi’s Central Business District.

The MCA’s remarks came in the wake of the DP’s harsh criticism of Sakaja whom he accused of interfering with businesses belonging to those who voted for him, especially the Kikuyu community. Governor Sakaja had initially planned to relocate matatu operators out of Nairobi’s CBD to the newly-constructed Green Park Terminus but the trial phases and trial run seem to have failed.

The MCAs now claim that Rigathi and Kenya Kwanza are secretly attacking and plotting Sakaja’s downfall after they realized that he has declined to take orders from above. Initially, the DP believed that Sakaja would be a political puppet who will be taking orders and consulting him on each major decision he would be making at City Hall including appointments.

Just a week before Christmas day last year, the DP was quoted saying “I have told the Nairobi Governor that we will have a sit down with him because we are the ones who voted for him. I am the one who gathered the Kikuyu in Nairobi and told them to vote for him and I have called him for a meeting. Any matter that he decides on that can interfere with business matters in Nairobi, we must first sit down with him, discuss and agree.”

Although Sakaja has kept off the matter, sources divulged that Azimio MCAs have assured him to stay put and move on with the implementation of his manifesto and to avoid responding to the DP’s outbursts.

Githunguri MP Gathoni wa Muchomba also joined the DP in cautioning Sakaja against expelling matatus from Central Business District (CBD). Through her social media page, Gathoni pointed out that the governor had replaced famous Kaka Travellers (drawn from her constituency) from Tom Mboya Street and despite talks with him to revert the directive, it has been months and no changes have been made.

“Two weeks ago, I came to see you over the hot issue, you promised to find a solution, to date! Our DP has now spoken; take the wise counsel, leave our Matatus alone. Keeping quiet over this issue for over 6 months doesn’t mean we are stupid! We are only patient. Sisi ni sisi!” the MP wrote on her Facebook page.

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