Why Raila Odinga Advised Elected Leaders From Luo Nyanza To Work With President William Ruto 

The politicians whose political wings have now been clipped include former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, former Kisumu governor Jack Ranguma, former Kisumu Senator Fred Outa and former MPs Martin Ogindo (Rangwe), Nicholas Gumbo (Rarieda) Dick Anyanga (Nyatike) and Miguna Miguna among others. In Siaya, Governor James Orengo led the ODM leaders in welcoming President Ruto and his entourage and he too did not give the former ODM leaders a chance as he took charge of the programme

Last week’s tour of Luo Nyanza by President William Ruto produced political fireworks with two opposing camps angling to take control of the itinerary. Sources have divulged to The Weekly Vision how a political plan had been hatched by politicians who were once allied to ODM to lock out elected leaders but the scheme failed.

Aware that his political opponents would reap big if ODM politicians from Siaya and Homa Bay County skipped the visit by President William Ruto, Azimio leader Raila Odinga held a consultative meeting with ODM top brass and resolved that all elected leaders from the region must attend the presidential functions. Raila Odinga was told through intelligence reports that politicians who were once his allies in the region and who have since crossed over to Kenya Kwanza were planning to use the presidential visit to launch their dwindling political careers should ODM leaders skip the visit by the president.

A dispatch was released ordering all elected leaders to attend and welcome the president to lock out their opponents. The political game was well planned and Ruto is said to have been informed that Raila had ordered elected leaders to prioritize the presidential functions.
In Homa Bay, Governor Gladys Wanga took charge of the programme and ensured rebels from ODM did not feature anywhere in the programme. The move by Raila Odinga has left his opponents from Luo Nyanza politically irrelevant now that elected leaders have publicly declared to work with President Ruto and that the government does not need them to checkmate the ODM elected leaders.

The politicians whose political wings have now been clipped include former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, former Kisumu governor Jack Ranguma, former Kisumu Senator Fred Outa and former MPs Martin Ogindo (Rangwe), Nicholas Gumbo (Rarieda) Dick Anyanga (Nyatike) and Miguna Miguna among others. In Siaya, Governor James Orengo led the ODM leaders in welcoming President Ruto and his entourage and he too did not give the former ODM leaders a chance as he took charge of the programme.

With the latest developments, ODM rebels from Luo Nyanza have been literally cut to size since President Ruto will find it productive to work with elected leaders as opposed to the rebels, majority whom lost in the last general elections.

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