Students Claim Utalii College Administration Is Defrauding Them

Parents and students at Kenya Utalii College are up in arms against the college’s administration led by the Principal and CEO Prof. Charles Musyoki and the recently appointed Chairman of the Council David Wamatsi.

Students allege that the college administration is defrauding parents and guardians on attachment elsewhere, the students claim they are forced to pay fees in full even when they are not present at the facility.Their attempts to have the matter addressed by the college administration have always fallen on deaf ears. Students wonder why they should pay school fees when they are away on attachments yet they don’t stay in the college, eat or use college facilities.

Kenya Utalii College

It is being said that currently, nearly half of the student population are going for an attachment for a whole semester yet they are expected to pay fees in full. One condition that has irritated parents and guardians is that attachment letters are only issued to students who have paid fees in full.

They are now wondering why Wamatsi gave them a false promise that he was going to streamline the Kenya Utalii College and make it efficient whilst also ensuring Utalii hotel will improve to 5 Star in the next three years. “I’ve heard from most of you and some of the challenges you’re undergoing, some of which I’m privy to. I want to assure you of my commitment to improve this institution and restore its lost glory” Wamatsi said.

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