Dirty War Erupt At Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA)

Sections of the KURA board are said to be pushing for the appointment of Eng. Eric Oginga to replace Mr Kinoti. It is claimed that Mr Oginga has the experience to head the agency and is an easygoing man who can fit in Kinoti’s shoes well

Kenya Urban Roads Authority Director General Eng. Silas Kinoti is on his way out as his term expires in June 2023. His impending exit has however caused deep divisions within the board as he tries to lobby for the renewal of his contract. Sources at KURA told The Weekly Vision that Mr Kinoti faces opposition from a section of the board and powerful operatives at the ministry of transport and along the corridors of State House.

The sources divulged that Mr Kinoti has made several attempts to meet Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen but in vain. It is said Kinoti has been sending emissaries to CS Murkomen but they have all failed, the emissaries have to convince the CS to meet Mr Kinoti. A section of the board members at KURA is said to have made up their minds not to renew his contract while others allege that he was in Azimio and even contributed huge amounts of money to the coalition ahead of the last general elections.  Sections of the KURA board are said to be pushing for the appointment of Eng. Eric Oginga to replace Mr Kinoti. It is claimed that Mr Oginga has the experience to head the agency and is an easygoing man who can fit in Kinoti’s shoes well.

Mr Kinoti was appointed on June 18, 2020, for a three-year renewable term, while Mr Oginga is the Urban Roads Development Director at KURA. Sources say the push for Mr Oginga to take over from Eng. Kinoti has badly split the roads agency right in the middle as tension mounts each day.

Those opposed to the renewal of Mr Kinoti’s contract said he had stepped on many toes within the agency and this might come back to haunt him when the board makes the crucial final decision. He is expected to proceed on terminal leave with Eng. Oginga taking over in an acting capacity until a substantive DG is picked. Sources say Eng. Oginga is a blood relative to Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga, and he has an upper hand now after President William Ruto visited Homa Bay and was hosted by Wanga.

Sources say Wanga is likely to reach out to the president to have Mr Oginga considered for the top job. President Ruto is said to have been immensely impressed by the rousing welcome governor Wanga accorded him and is likely to consider Mr Oginga to have the governor work closely with him.

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