Employees of Super-Broom Services Limited, currently under contract by the Parliamentary Service Commission PSC to provide cleaning and sanitary services at the Parliament building are up in arms against their employer over non-payment of salaries and are now appealing to Members of Parliament to intervene before the matter gets out of hand.

Irate employees have now given both their employer and the PSC a seven days’ notice to pay them or they down their tools. Employees claim that they haven’t received their salaries since October last year yet they report to work daily.
The company currently has over 600 contracted staff working at parliament buildings, the Kenya School of Monetary Studies and Kenya Railways. The proprietor of Super-Broom services limited, Winfred Mbogori is said to have intimidated those who dared to ask her about the delayed salaries claiming she knows top people at PSC and Statehouse. Members of staff claim that even their immediate supervisors have been threatened with the sack if they dared entertain asking the employer for salaries on their behalf. The supervisors’ hands are also tied and can do very little to help the situation.
It is expected that anytime next week; the staff could paralyze the operations at parliament as they plan to down tools. Attempts to meet the top officials of the parliamentary service commission have been futile.