Childless Patients Troop To Fertility Point Kenya Seeking Refunds After Failed Promises.

All is not well at Fertility Point Kenya following numerous complaints from patients claiming mistreatment by the management. Some of the patients who had paid huge amounts of money to get children through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) are crying foul over the failed promises. Normally, an egg and sperm are fertilized inside a woman’s body. If the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the womb and continues to grow, a baby is born about 9 months later.

Investigations reveal that the clinic under the leadership of Dr Rajesh Chaudhary, the lead IVF specialist together with Dr Manju, the Lead Embryologist has only managed to attain a 50% success rate despite promising patients an 80 to 100% success rate. Most of the patients pay hundreds of thousands of shillings trying to get babies.

A source who talked to us on strict conditions of anonymity revealed that patients have been paying huge sums of money but with no guaranteed success. The hospital has only two specialists and the laboratory and the equipment are outdated. Investigations further reveal that the IVF at Fertility Point Kenya has failed despite benefiting immensely from the patients who are in dire need of babies spending hundreds of thousands of shilling through this process. With only two specialists, the facility cannot professionally undertake the job at hand and in some cases hire local gynaecologists with no known knowledge of IVF.

To make matters worse, even after the IVF fails, no refunds are made to patients and no formal communication is made. The patients are left begging for even part of a refund of what they had paid.

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