Azimio Threatens President Ruto With Secession Talk- Is History About To Repeat Itself?

Azimio claims that secession would be the last option after exhausting all the available avenues. With over 50 per cent of registered voters in Kenya solidly behind their coalition, there is fear that if a secession bill is taken to the people through a referendum, it could lead to the birth of a new country, the Federal People’s Democratic Republic of Kenya

In 2017, just after the Presidential elections won by retired President Uhuru Kenyatta and then nullified by the Supreme Court, Raila Odinga’s NASA coalition through Homa Bay town MP Opondo Kalumu prepared a Bill for the secession of what they called the Republic of Kenya to form Federal People’s Democratic Republic of Kenya. The bill was withdrawn later following a handshake between Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga. 

Secession is the formal withdrawal from an established, widely recognised state by a constituent unit to create a new sovereign state. Some members of Kenya’s ethnic groups from the west of the country and at the coast then allied to the National Super Alliance (NASA) repeatedly used social media platforms to call for secession. History is about to repeat itself as Raila Odinga’s Azimio Coalition is now threatening President William Ruto with secession. The much-hipped subject is again rearing its ugly head in Kenya’s political history should the bi-partisan talks between Azimio Coalition and Kenya Kwanza Coalition fail to take off. The Weekly Vision has gathered that the Kenya Kwanza might not agree to the demands by Azimio, more so on the forensic audit of the IEBC servers. 

Azimio claims that this would be the last option after exhausting all the available avenues. With over 50 per cent of registered voters in Kenya solidly behind Azimio, there is fear that if a secession bill is taken to the people through a referendum, it could lead to the birth of a new country, the Federal People’s Democratic Republic of Kenya.

According to sources within Azimio, they will prepare a draft Bill to amend the Constitution to split the country into two States. Several Counties are strongly behind Raila Odinga and Azimio. According to the 2022 elections Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu, Taita Taveta, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Isiolo, Kitui, Machakos, Makueni, Narok, Kajiado, Vihiga, Kakamega, Busia, Bungoma, Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay, Migori, Nyamira, Kisii and Nairobi, all voted in favour of Azimio. 

Analysts say Azimio enjoys majority support in 27 counties leaving Ruto with only 20. With the backing of a majority of counties (27), the threat of secession could this time around be real considering the support Raila Odinga and his Azimio coalition enjoy across the country. A push for secession could be a double tragedy for President Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza who might be left with the Kalenjin and Kikuyu-dominated counties only.  According to sources, Azimio wants to go the Sudan way. After years of civil war, the people of South Sudan voted overwhelmingly for separation from the Republic of Sudan.  

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