Busia County Executive Caught Making Fictitious Payments

The Auditor General has released a report for the year 202/2021 revealing how the Busia County Government spent Ksh.15, 569,015 paying for power bills incurred by Lake Victoria North Water Services and Western Water Services Company.

The big question is why the Busia County executive settled bills relating to other entities for which no budget had been provided in the annual budget.  The Lake Victoria North Water Services and Western Water Services Company acting CEO Eng. Samson Gongi and the Chief Manager of Finance and Resource Mobilization are said to have been questioned to clear the air under what circumstances the executive paid the electricity bill.  It is not known why the executive chose to make the payment but it is said some dirty games were played with part of the money ending up in individual’s pockets.

In the above circumstances, the regularity of the expenditure of Ksh. 15,569,015 relating to utilities, supplies and services could not be ascertained. The report further reveals that Ksh. 1,534,163,202 was spent on goods and services which included an amount of Ksh. 60,846,375 in respect of office and general supplies. According to the report, receipts and payment vouchers for the above expenditure could not be produced during the audit exercise. In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the expenditure of Ksh. 33,846,765 incurred on office and general supplies and services could not be confirmed.

The executive also spent Ksh. 231,868,677 in respect of insurance costs. However, the insurance costs include an amount of Ksh.22,485,126 paid to seven (7) insurance service providers for insurance of motor vehicles for which the respective insurance policies were not provided for audit review. In the circumstances, the regularity and completeness of the amount of Ksh.22,485,126 incurred on the insurance of motor vehicles could not be confirmed.

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