Barely two months after Siaya Governor James Orengo went public about the state of the historic Migwena stadium promising that his administration is committed to revamping it into a modern stadium before December 2023, a government agency has revealed how funds meant for the project have been looted.
According to a report by the Auditor General, the County Executive awarded a tender for the construction of Migwena Sports Stadium to a local contractor at a sum of Ksh. 22,433,511 for a contract period of twenty-four (24) weeks. However, due to a breach of contract by the County Executive, the contractor sought legal redress and was awarded an amount of Ksh. 6,966,833 for the cost of works done which were subsequently paid in the financial year 2019/2020.
Physical verification of the project in November 2021 revealed that the works done by the contractor included the construction of the foundation of the pavilion and the supply of ballast of approximately fifteen (15) tones. The county executive has however not provided an explanation and documentation in support of the termination of the contract and the measures put in place to ensure the project is completed as planned. In the circumstances, the county was in breach of the law.

In a related report, in December, Governor Orengo disclosed that Siaya stadium which has been under construction for the last three years will finally be unveiled in March this year, with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga expected to officially open the twenty-thousand-seater capacity facility.
However, a report by the Auditor General reveals that County Executive awarded a contract to a foreign firm for the construction of Siaya County Stadium in a contract signed on 30th August 2018 at a contract sum of Ksh. 394,661,767 with the contract period ranging from 1st January, 2019 to 6th December, 2019. A review of the latest valuation certificate dated 1st March 2021, revealed that the total certified works amounted to Ksh. 327,091,241 and the project was approximately 83% complete.
During the year under review, an amount of Ksh. 80,254,180 was paid to the main contractor while an amount of Ksh. 14,648,670 was paid to two local subcontractors in respect of plumbing and electrical works. However, physical verification carried out in November 2021 revealed that the project remains incomplete 23 months past the completion date.