How Nairobi County Hired Underage People As Members Of Staff

The Nairobi City County Public Service Board has been court pants down after it emerged that they controversially recruited several members of staff without following due process. Sources who spoke to The Weekly Vision on condition of anonymity for fear of victimization reveal that during the financial year 2020/2021 the Public Service Board employed underage people as members of staff.

A review of the biodata of new employees revealed that a total of 101 recruits had just turned 18 years old and had not been issued identity cards at the time of recruitment and thus they may not have attained the majority age by the time the recruitment process began.

The question is how the recruits were employed without national identity cards and other vital documents such as certificates of good conduct and KRA PIN which is generated from national ID card numbers. The source further reveals that another 27 recruits were above the entry-level age of 45 years as specified by the PSC manual on Human Resource practices. In addition, the County Executive had on its payroll several employees who had attained the mandatory retirement age of 60.

Further, the County Executive and the Public Service Board irregularly recruited 108 casual workers on a temporary basis. We tried to get hold of some documentation on the recruitment process including the advertisement, list of applicants, shortlist and the minutes of the interviews but none was availed. The County Executive employed 1,623 new employees during the year. However, the human resource plan, approval for recruitment, advertisements and records of the recruitment process was never followed.

The Weekly Vision has also learnt that there exists a duplicate list of names and account numbers of staff where salaries for several employees are disbursed, the accounts seem to contain details shared between two or more persons.

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