Kakamega Residents Plead With NHIF To Cover More Ailments 

By Andanje Wakhungu


Residents of Kakamega have called on the government to expand the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), to be able to cover more ailments. The call came in the wake of the death of the Kitale Deliverance church Reverend Pius Hamsini Nganasa who succumbed to a suspected case of Parkinson’s disease, one of its kind to ever be witnessed in the region.

Led by family members, they said they had undergone tremendous torture, seeking medication for their deceased kin noting that despite the drugs being expensive, they are not readily available in hospitals and pharmacies within the county. Michael Nganasa former scribe, lecturer and politician explained the tedious journey of seeking medication for their beloved one with medication costing Ksh. 4,000 each week and only found in one chemist (Mitra) within Kakamega. My brother has had this disease since 2014 and it’s a rare and expensive illness to manage that needs regular attention on the patient as it paralyses movement, speech, and sense of smell among other vital body functions rendering one to a stooge situation.

He also called for the stocking of more rugs in local health clinics at the village levels to enable patients easily access them without having to travel long distances for the same and further urged for the provision of medical experts to diagnose such diseases from within. “We had to travel to Eldoret to book an appointment for his treatment and it was very expensive considering the number of times he needed to see the doctor regularly.

”The leader said health was devolved and hence should be improved to serve the locals at the grassroots level adequately.The family hinted that many Kenyans have been suffering in silence on matters of health because the health insurance coverage was selective on which diseases it covers, it does not cover chronic ailments such as Parkinson, and cancer among others.The deliverance church led by reverend Moses Wanyonyi eulogized the late saying he was a committed Christian who bravely fought his illness through prayers and added that it was sad to lose him at the time when the church was in dire need of his service”

The deceased was a staunch Christian who touched the lives of many and as a church we did try our best to save him but God opted to take him” The reverend thanked the family for their commitment and financial support they offered together with the church to save the deceased’s life.

The Chombeli assistant chief Daniel Chitala Wasula on his part warned parents against shielding their sons involved in theft within the village and instead urged them to expose them so that law and order could prevail.There are several cases of break-ins, where poultry and other household items are periodically stolen by our sons. Despite knowing who they are, we are unwilling to forward their names to the relevant authorities for action but remember tomorrow they will steal from you the parents, let us all condemn these acts by naming them for justice to prevail.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects one’s movement and gradually develops a barely noticeable tremor in one arm that will cause stiffness and slow movement in one body. Symptoms include tremors, slowed movement, rigid muscles, impaired posture and balance, loss of automatic movements, and speech and writing style changes.

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