Indonesian Envoy To Kenya Pledges Support For Trans Nzoia County Dairy Farmers

By Governor’s Press Service

The Indonesian Ambassador to Kenya Mohamed Hery Saripudin on Tuesday pledged his Country’s support for dairy farmers through expertise from his Country to boost milk production. The envoy said the partnership will help in rolling out strategic projects in the county. Speaking at the Cherang’any Diaries, the envoy expressed his wish to support the County through partnerships that will go a long way in facilitating the farmers with best dairy farming practices such as artificial insemination to boost productivity.

The success of dairy farming, he said, will purely depend on the correct use of technology, utilization of small space and correct feeding. “The embassy will link the various Indonesian experts that will see officials from the county government of Trans Nzoia to implement the projects. The technology in Indonesia has made them the best nation in agricultural production, whether it’s dairy farming or irrigation,” Dr Saripudin said.

Trans Nzoia County Governor George Natembeya said that through the partnerships, dairy farmers in the county will be able to upgrade their cows to higher milk-producing and disease-resistant breeds. He noted that dairy farmers will be able to receive quality Artificial Insemination (AI) services that will upgrade their cattle breeds to improve milk production.

‘’ This partnership between the government of Indonesia and the County government of Trans Nzoia will facilitate the support of dairy farmer’s Cooperative societies through the provision of quality Artificial Insemination (AI) services). He said that the main objective of the partnership is to improve the breeds of dairy cattle in the county with the ultimate goal of increasing milk production for better incomes for the farmers.

The County boss later visited the Marinda Dairy farmers Cooperatives Society in Kwanza Sub County where he reiterated his administration’s commitment to helping farmers get milk coolers to increase e milk production. ‘’ I am challenging dairy farmers to move away from keeping a big herd of dairy cows that can only get 10 litres of milk a day. You must strive to move with speed towards increased milk production, improved cattle breeds that have a stronger immune system and therefore are less susceptible to diseases’’, he said.

Trans Nzoia’s daily milk production is between 60,000 to 70,000 litres with an average income of Ksh. 3 billion per year, with the governor noting that the potential to realize full milk production lies in improving the local dairy cattle breeds. “My administration is committed to supporting the dairy farmers to increase milk production so that their living standards can be uplifted” Governor Natembeya noted.

He added that the County Government will be supporting the dairy cooperatives with means of transport to help ease the transportation of milk. The function was attended by the head of the County Public service Truphosa Amere, Agriculture CECM Phanice Khatundi, Public Service Management CECM Samson Ojwang Jackson Amboka ( Public Works) and Dr Pepela Wanjala ( Health) The Governor’s Personal Assistant Emmanuel Wanjala, Cooperatives Director Hosea Serem and Gladys Kerubo from Naritch were also in attendance.

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