How Judiciary Staff Members Stole Huge Amounts Of Money From The Institution

Chief Justice Martha Koome has been petitioned to ensure millions of shillings lost by the Judiciary under vote 1261 are recovered and those found culpable brought to book. Investigations reveal that deposit records maintained by The Judiciary headquarters and Molo Court station reflect losses of Ksh. 47,840,030 and Ksh.34,219,651, dating back to the 2013/2014 and 2017/2018 financial years respectively.

Sources told The Weekly Vision that the loss was a result of theft by staff members some of whom have since been fired. The matter was referred to the Director of Criminal Investigation and the Asset Recovery Agency and is still outstanding. Further, bank reconciliation statements for June, 2022 for the bank accounts for Embu, Nakuru and Malindi court stations reflected losses amounting to millions of shillings.

According to the records Embu reported a loss of Ksh 2,682,152, Nakuru Ksh. 84,588,258 and Malindi Ksh. 1,455,800. It is however not known what efforts are being made on recovery strategies. It is against such theft that CJ Koome is being asked to ensure such huge amounts of monies are recovered.

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