Why Former Muranga County Governor Mwangi Wa Iria Is Bitter With DP Rigathi Gachagua

  • During the Kamkunji rally, he urged Raila Odinga to forget about the bipartisan talks and form his government and run the People’s Republic of Kenya. When he mentioned that, he was given a standing ovation by the Azimio luminaries including Raila Odinga himself, Martha Karua, Kalonzo Musyoka, Eugene Wamalwa and Jeremiah Kioni among others


If there is a politician from the Mount Kenya region who is bitter with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua then it’s the former Muranga governor Mwangi Wa Iria. Today The Weekly Vision reveals how the bitterness between these two politicians has escalated. In the run-up to the last general elections, Mr Wa Iria had positioned himself well, some people even considered him the better deal as William Ruto’s running mate. He went ahead to form a political party of his own, raise the stakes high and even went ahead to declare his interest in the presidency.

Some of President Ruto’s handlers from Rift Valley are said to have had a soft spot for the former governor, but Mr Gachagwa’s inner circle burnt the midnight oil to deconstruct him. Sources say even President Ruto at one time entertained the thought of bringing him on board. It was Gachagwa’s intervention that convinced William Ruto not to accommodate him. Wa Iria made several attempts to have William Ruto back him for the Muranga Senatorial seat but his attempts were thwarted by DP Gachagua. It was after Mr Gachagwa’s intervention that the former governor made a move to join Raila Odinga’s campaign team. A bitter Wa Iria is now a man on a revenge mission against Gachagua.

Those who have keenly followed his speeches during Azimio meetings will agree that his main subject has been the DP. The man behind the secession debate has been Wa Iria. Those who have been keenly watching him will agree that he is the man Azimio has tasked with spreading the secession debate.

During the Kamkunji rally, he urged Raila Odinga to forget about the bipartisan talks and form his government and run the People’s Republic of Kenya. When he mentioned that, he was given a standing ovation by the Azimio luminaries including Raila Odinga himself, Martha Karua, Kalonzo Musyoka, Eugene Wamalwa and Jeremiah Kioni among others.

By giving him a standing ovation, it meant top Azimio leadership supported the idea; it’s just a matter of time before the secession debate picks up. Wa Iria has since dared Gachagua to be a political enemy for the battle of Mount Kenya region. Sources say the Azimio proposal for non-parliamentary bipartisan talks could see the former governor leading the side in the talks.

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