Did Raila Odinga And Uhuru Kenyatta Dupe Charles Owino?

By The Weekly Vision

Former Police Spokesman Charles Owino who resigned from the National Police Service to run for the Siaya Gubernatorial seat has now found himself between a hard place and a rock. During an interview with a local TV station, Mr Owino reported that although he is the deputy director for Focal Point on small arms and light weapons, he is only partly in office.

Analysts say that former President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga allegedly struck a deal with Owino to withdraw from the deputy gubernatorial race with a promise that if Raila Odinga won the August 2022 presidential race, he would have landed a big job in government. They also add that the game plan was arrived at after intelligence reports, as well as opinion polls, indicated that the team of Owino and Nichola Gumbo of UDM were the front runners and were likely to humiliate and embarrass the ODM candidate James Orengo. 

The only way to reduce Gumbo/Owino’s political influence was to cut and clip his wings by snatching Mr Owino from Nicholas Gumbo and it worked perfectly well. It was whispered then that former president Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga had plotted to have him appointed Deputy Inspector-General, Kenya Police Service to replace Douglas Kanja Kirocho who retired in early 2023. 

Other sources claimed that by accepting to return to the National Police Service, Owino could as well have landed the position of Inspector General of Police after Mutyambai’s retirement. Mr Owino is now said to be using his links with CS Eliud Owalo to have him restored to the system. Sources say Owino could soon land a very lucrative position in the police service. 

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