Governor George Natembeya Asks His Chief Officers To Use Public Funds Prudently 

Governor’s Press Unit

Trans Nzoia County Governor George Natembeya on Thursday challenged accounting officers in his administration to observe financial discipline. The Governor was speaking at the Sirwo Resort Club in Cherangany Sub County during the closure of a three-day induction training for Chief Officers.

The County boss noted that his administration had embarked on rigorous training of the officers to enable them to effectively discharge their duties. He noted that the training had presented necessary skills leading to better service delivery with more emphasis on better service delivery, focus on an overview of public management, human resource aspects, roles of internal audit in enhancing financial management, budget-making process, public procurements, project planning, IFMIS, Tax and compliance issues, and county pension fund.

The Governor underscored the need for the officers to use and manage funds and other public resources per the Public Finance Management Act. The Governor added that his 10-point agenda for the people of Trans Nzoia will only be realized if accountability will be observed. ” The Chief Officers who are accounting officers must be accountable for their omissions and commissions while serving Trans Nzoia residents. Through this we must realize the aspirations of our people”, he said.

 “You will be expected to take full responsibility for expenditure in your respective departments, including responding to questions from Members of the County Assembly and other oversight bodies on how public funds are used, in addition to coordinating, formulating, and implementing policies in their respective Units”, he added. He also called on the officers to work in consultation with their CECMs extensively on policies and operations, as well as to properly manage Human Resource activities in cooperation with the County Public Service Board.

Among the Chief Officers who underwent the training aimed at boosting service delivery were; Ashton Mulupi – Finance and Economic Planning, Sammy Sichangi – Governance, Jane Wachwenge – Education, Dr. Nasiebanda – Gender, Dr. Emmanuel Wanjala – Health, Dorothy Nyukuri – Water, Etiang Kennedy – PSM, Isaac Omari – Trade, Philip Kapteni – Lands, Patrick Osoro – Agriculture, George Mwangi – Works.

Trans Nzoia County Public Service Board Chairperson Peter Wamoto, County Secretary and Head of the County Public Service Mrs Truphosa Amere, CECS Samson Ojwang (PSM), Mr Bonface Wanyonyi (Finance), Jackson Amboka (Roads) Chief of Staff Dickson Wamocho, CEO Public Service Board Albert Soita and Municipal Manager Mr Patrick Nyongesa accompanied the Governor.

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