NTSA Has Cancelled 2.5 Million Fake Licenses Belonging To Boda Boda Riders

  • We have an online licensing system that can be accessed from cybercafes but do not fake it by providing information belonging to someone else, our system will detect the wrong information and we will cancel your license and action taken against you, just follow the right procedure-NTSA

By Andanje Wakhungu

The National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA) has cancelled over 2.5 Million fake licenses belonging to boda boda riders. An official from the authority stated that most of the cancelled licenses were duplicates acquired from cybercafes.   An official from NTSA was speaking during the national safety educational session to the bodaboda riders at Mukhuyu market in Malava constituency, he warned that his authority was keen and will take action against riders who are found to have duplicated driving licenses, he instead advised them to follow the right procedures in acquiring the documents. Approximately two thousand people showed up with many going for medical check-ups.

We have an online licensing system that can be accessed from cybercafes but do not fake it by providing information belonging to someone else, our system will detect the wrong information and we will cancel your license and action taken against you, just follow the right procedure.

At the same time, the operators were asked to have third-party insurance to cover their passengers owing to the number of recorded accidents and deaths emerging from the Boda boda menace. Many passengers have fallen victim to reckless motorcycle riders with many suffering permanent disabilities and even lives and it is high time we educate our riders on the precautions needed to avoid such. The official called for the riders to abide by the rules and take proper training in riding motorcycles instead of using shortcuts.

Family bank official Geoffrey Muyale called on the riders to invest in savings for future use. We have products that are cut out for individuals, groups, and saccos where we offer loans for educational, personal and group purposes after six months of savings and we have tailor-made our services to suit even the common mwananchi.

The organizing secretary of the Boda boda medical ventures Stephen Shitanda stated that they had brought together different service providers to come and offer not only educational but medical services to both Bodas and the public as one way of giving back to society and will be traversing other counties to do the same to bring sanity in the industry.

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