Lawyer Miguna Miguna Is Said To Be Lobbying To Replace Nordin Haji As DPP 

  • What has created a wall between Miguna Miguna and President Ruto is his past utterances, early this year during an interview with a local TV station, he confirmed that he was ready for any position that the president may offer him, provided certain conditions are met. He boldly and categorically revealed that he will reject the Chief Administrative Secretary position should the same be offered to him, as its legality is in question with several court cases challenging the existence of the office

By The Weekly Vision

Canada-based Kenyan-born lawyer Miguna Miguna is allegedly lobbying for the position of Director of Public Prosecution in Kenya, sources have told The Weekly Vision. Miguna Miguna’s new move follows a looming vacancy in the office of DPP after President William Ruto nominated the current holder of the office Nordin Haji to be the next National Intelligence Services boss.

Sources divulged that some of President Ruto’s allies are opposed to the move saying Miguna cannot be trusted with such a high-profile office considering how he has turned his guns to ODM leader Raila Odinga who was his close confidante during the grand Coalition Government.  The man said to be pushing for Miguna Miguna is ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo. Mr Owalo and Miguna Miguna worked closely with Raila Odinga and are said to be buddies. 

It is assumed that all Luo politicians who have been appointed to various positions in the Kenya Kwanza government went through Mr Owalo who is Ruto’s point man in Luo Nyanza. What has created a wall between Miguna Miguna and President Ruto is his past utterances, early this year during an interview with a local TV station, he confirmed that he was ready for any position that the president may offer him, provided certain conditions are met.

In the interview, he noted that he will at no point be part of any illegality; hence any position offered to him should be legally bound by the Constitution. He boldly and categorically revealed that he will reject the Chief Administrative Secretary position should the same be offered to him, as its legality is in question with several court cases challenging the existence of the office.

This statement did not go down well with President Ruto’s confidantes who claimed Miguna cannot be trusted with any top job and that is why he missed a cabinet slot, Attorney General slot, and Solicitor General slot and now he’s likely to miss the DPP slot as well.

In a tweet dated 17th April 2018, Miguna tweeted “I never said that he is ethical or honest. I never said that Ruto “keeps” friends. He buys friendship with stolen money. He uses stolen money and proceeds of land he has stolen from the people. But he is worse than a petty thief. Ruto is a looter and a killer. He is not a leader”.

In another tweet indirectly targeting Kenya Kwanza but directed at Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, Miguna claimed the governor has not done as much as was expected. 

In a lengthy post on Twitter, Miguna lamented and alleged that unemployment, garbage, chaos and insecurity have taken over Nairobi with the governor nowhere to be seen as he is allegedly “chasing deals and girls”.

According to Ruto’s allies, the tweet did not go down well with the president. It is against such tweets that there is fear that Miguna is most likely to turn his guns against the appointing authority and that would be a great embarrassment. Lobbying for the top post is said to be in top gear with Miguna being seen as just a contender, several other names have been flouted as Mr Haji’s successor. Names of prominent lawyers are being pushed for consideration.  

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