Jalang’o Reveals How He Bribed His Way To Parliament

  • Irked by Owilli’s barbaric attacks and inciting the public against him, he soon took the microphone and did what was least expected of him. In what seemed to be a planned way to unwrap DG Owili’s attacks against him, Jalang’o revealed to mourners how he supported DG Owili and Prof. Anyang’ Nyongo’ during their re-election campaigns with a donation of Ksh. 4m

By The Weekly Vision

There was drama in Nyakach Sub-County in Kisumu County last week at the burial of comedian Duncan Ochonjo when Kisumu Deputy Governor Dr Mathews Owili threw the first salvo by claiming that Lang’ata MP Felix Oduor aka Jalang’o had betrayed the ODM party and its leader Raila Odinga when he jumped ship to work with President William Ruto.

Dr Owili was widely cheered by the mourners as Jalang’o watched pensively, he did not know that Jalang’o would hit back by exposing their top secrets. Irked by Owilli’s barbaric attacks and inciting the public against him, he soon took the microphone and did what was least expected of him. In what seemed to be a planned way to unwrap DG Owili’s attacks against him, Jalang’o revealed to mourners how he supported DG Owili and Prof. Anyang’ Nyongo’ during their re-election campaigns with a donation of Ksh. 4m.

To the chagrin of the crowd, he challenged DG Owili to take the microphone and deny it if he did not offer them Ksh. 4m in campaign funds. DG Owili had least expected Jalang’o to go public on what they did in private, he declined to confirm or deny the claims. But in a strange twist of events, it is now whispered that Jalang’o had given out the money to Nyong’o to secure his nomination as ODM candidate for Lang’ata. 

The Money according to sources privy to the matter was given after it became apparent that ODM did not wish to give him a ticket to contest for the Lang’ata parliamentary seat. So the big question is whether it was a bribe to the ODM leadership or a donation of campaign funds for Owili and Nyong’o.  It is also being whispered that after Jalang’o got wind of ODM’s intention to deny him the ODM ticket and begun to press buttons since he was not able to reach ODM leader Raila Odinga at the time. 

Sources say his attempts to have a one-on-one meeting with Raila Odinga in Nairobi failed but it was Prof. Anyang’ who finally brokered a meeting between Raila and Jalang’o in Kisumu during the campaigns. So was Jalang’o returning his hands with a Sh4m offer to the governor or was it a facilitation to have the professor broker a deal to meet Raila? Your guess could be as good as mine.

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