Shock As Two Suicide Cases Are Recorded In Same Village In Bungoma

By The Weekly Vision 

Residents of Sang’alo village, Kanduyi Constituency in Bungoma County woke up on Thursday to a rude shock after two residents in their area committed suicide under unclear circumstances. Confirming the incident, Bungoma County Deputy Police Commander Joseph Lokomom said that the two incidents happened at night and it was reported to the Bungoma police station.

Lokomom noted that the first incident happened at Luoya village where Lucy Wanjala, 26, who has been living in Nairobi, sneaked into their homestead at an unknown time in the night and hanged herself using a nylon rope on a tree within their compound. He added that the deceased’s body was discovered by her mother in the morning while she was going to milk her cow. The police boss said that the family confirmed that the victim attempted suicide three times by swallowing dip.

“From the information we received from her own family, it is said that the victim tried committing suicide three times earlier,” he said. He said that no suicide note was left, and the police have launched a probe into the incident. In the same village, a second-year Electrical and Electronics diploma student Swale Chituyi was reported to the police to have committed suicide by Luke Wanjala a chief security officer at Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology.

According to the police investigations, it was established that the deceased committed suicide because of love a triangle that turned sour. Lokomom told the press that the deceased was last seen on the night of 5th June 2023 only to be found today (Thursday) by his fellow students having committed suicide. Lokomom told the weekly vision that the deceased had left behind a suicide note that stated why he took his life. Lokomom called on lovers to seek guidance from authorities rather than taking their own lives. “Let us find amicable solutions on how to solve love issues when turns sour, taking your own life is not a solution,” he said. He said that the two bodies were picked up by the police officers and taken to Bungoma County referral hospital mortuary.

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