Cracks Emerge In Moses Wetangula’s Ford-K Party As Kabuchai MP Is Sidelined

By The Weekly Vision

Cracks have emerged in Moses Wetangula’s Ford Kenya party after top party officials decided to sideline Kabuchai lawmaker Majimbo Kalasinga. On Friday, the MP had a homecoming party at his Kabuchai home but none of the Ford Kenya party MCA or MP came to stand with him instead only the DAP-K MP’s came at the function.

The MP’s who were present at the event were Mumia’s East MP Peter Salasya, Sirisia MP John Waluke, Kapenguria MP Samuel Moroto and his Lugari counterpart Nabii Nabwera. Speaking at the event on Friday, MP Waluke condemned Ford Kenya leaders for snubbing the homecoming event saying that the leaders from the Western region should work together for the development of the region.

“On Thursday, I was with the Chief Cabinet Minister Musalia Mudavadi and Speaker Moses Wetang’ula and they promised me that they would be here so that we can enjoy together but unfortunately they have failed to show up,” Waluke said. Waluke added, “As the Western member of parliament caucus chairman I won’t allow such to happen, we agreed to work together for a common goal to develop the region,”

On their part, Ford Kenya leaders in Bungoma County argues that they missed the homecoming event at MP Majimbo’s home attributing to his recent utterances on a local FM radio station that seemed to intimidate the Kenya Kwanza government over the Finance bill. Majimbo says that there are sections in the proposed finance bill that he disagrees with, affirming that he will firmly vote a big NO in the parliament.

The sections in the finance bill that MP Majimbo opposes include; tax levied on the teachers and the increase of motorbike fuel from 8% to 16%. “There are some proposals in the finance bill that I personally disagree with, I will not vote ‘yes’ on them,” Majimbo said.

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