MP Waluke Backs The Proposed Finance Bill And Says It Contains Good Things 

By The Weekly Vision 

Sirisia Member of Parliament John Waluke has made a U-turn and is now backing the proposed finance bill, he argues that the bill carries important things to favour Kenyans. Hon. Wuluke was speaking at a funds drive at Luandet Secondary School in Kakamega last weekend. He said that though the lawmakers are pushing for the passage of the bill in the National Assembly, Kenyans have not been sensitized well enough to understand the contents of the bill.

“As MPs, we are playing our role of ensuring that the new bill is passed in the National Assembly but unfortunately Kenyans have not been sensitized to know the contents in it,” Waluke added. However, Waluke called on the MPs to take up the role and educate Kenyans on the merits of the proposed finance bill if passed at the national assembly. “MPs should play a critical role in sensitizing the contents in the finance bill to Kenyans clause by clause, we want everybody to know what it entails,” he said. He assured President William Ruto that he will rally all the MPs from the Western region to vote ‘Yes’ in favour of the finance bill. 

Speaking in Kabuchai on Friday during a homecoming celebration, Waluke noted that former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime left the country with huge debts from foreign countries, noting President Ruto is scheming to pay the debts using our resources. “Uhuru left this country in a very poor state, the treasury was empty therefore this finance bill if passed will help us address such challenges,” he affirmed. However, Kabuchai MP Majimbo Kalasinga, a Kenya Kwanza MP is the recent one to oppose some of the clauses in the bill noting that he will vote ‘NO’ at the assembly.

Kalasinga is the only Kenya Kwanza MP from the region who has opposed the new proposed finance bill. Hon. Waluke who was elected MP through the Jubilee party now accuses Uhuru Kenyatta of forcing him to remain in Jubilee. “I’m the one who brought UDA in Bungoma but because Uhuru was a leader who could threaten people, he asked me to go back to the Jubilee party so that he could not jail me more,” he noted, affirming that he will support President Ruto deliver.

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