Respect Learning Institutions & Its Leadership For Better Results

By Andanje Wakhungu

Parents and other education stakeholders within Malava sub-county have been urged to respect institutions of learning and the leadership if they expect to gain better results, the Chief Principal of Malava Boys School John Simiyu said at the funeral of a student from the area. He called on relevant stakeholders to show respect for institutions of learning and their management as they were the ones entrusted with disciplining and moulding their children through education. The Chief Principal addressed mourners in the Namanja area within Butali Chegulo Ward during the burial of a student at St. Anthony Kakoyi who succumbed to an enlarged heart at school, he was in Form One. 

The principal’s sentiment comes in the wake of accusations that the deceased boy was neglected and that the administration failed to take the necessary actions on time to safeguard the student’s safety. The school has been abuzz with unconfirmed rumours that it harbours demonic powers which have been affecting students, with some locals pointing fingers at the school administration for being behind it.

The locals have equally stood their ground behind the new principal for her academic overhaul at the school, elevating it to be among the top five in the sub-county. We are standing firm with the principal for her efforts to revamp the school’s performance and infrastructure paving the way for more enrolment.

The Principal of St Anthony Kakoyi who was present all through narrated how the student collapsed and necessary action was taken by the school management, she asked the parents not to be discouraged by what they were reading on social media as it was pure propaganda being levelled against her by her rivals and assured them that it shall be over and normalcy will prevail.

The Shipala sub- Chief, who was standing in for his Matioli counterpart warned the locals and bloggers against posting fake news online meant to tarnish the good name of the school and instead told them to seek the truth as it was open that some individuals wanted to paint the school management in a bad light for personal gains noting that the Principal Linet Kidiga was an outsider who had come to deliver and had revitalized the institution to a higher status with it being the highly allocated with CDF funds at a tune of Ksh.1.8Million

The war being waged against the principal is known and is of personal interest and the unfortunate collapse of the student at school was a perfect reason for them to blackmail our principal but as an administration, we will not allow some few individuals to start fumbling in the school affairs with intentions of flushing out non-locals.

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