New Huduma Centre To Be Set Up In Kimilili-MP Didmus Barasa

By The Weekly Vision

Kimilili Member of Parliament (MP) Didmus Barasa has said that his Kimilili National Government Constituency development fund (NG-CDF) is set to spend 10 million shillings to set up a Huduma centre.  MP Barasa said that it has been hard over the years for Kimilili residents to travel to Bungoma town to seek Huduma centre services saying that with the establishment of the Huduma centre, it will be a relief to locals.

Barasa noted that it has been hard for the residents to get identification cards replacement as the Huduma centre is situated far from the residents. “I have been getting complaints from locals that they are struggling to get the Huduma centre services, it is with that reason I have cooperated with the national office to establish a Huduma centre here in Kimilili so that my people can get services,” Barasa added.

The vocal MP added that Huduma Centre is mandated to transform public service delivery in order to ensure efficient, effective accessible and citizen-centric services. In Kenya, there are 52 Huduma centres spread across 47 counties, Huduma contact centre, Huduma mashinani outreaches and Huduma electronic and mobile platform, collectively the service delivery platforms serve an average of 60,000 customers’ every day.

 However, the legislator affirmed that his office will partner with the Huduma Kenya secretariat to ensure the objectives of the programme of sustaining partnerships, collaborations and linkages for the integrated service delivery platforms. In addition, the MP said that through the NG-CDF he has constructed new blocks of classrooms to change the face of Kimilili schools to give learners a conducive environment to learn.

He added that he has ensured Kimilili schools have fit the CBC requirements saying that they are ready to receive junior secondary school learners. Barasa said that he is determined to support schools admitting junior secondary school learners saying that the new curriculum needs enough support from the NG-CDF. Barasa said that for five years he has been an MP for Kimilili he has been able to build over 40 storey buildings in the constituency. “If you can walk around Bungoma county constituencies no constituency can be compared to Kimilili because I have done much to develop Kimilili,” Barasa said.

Barasa asked schools to use the county funds prudently to benefit learners. MP Barasa claims that some teachers impose extra levies on parents saying that the same won’t repeat again. He said that the school heads who will be found sending away learners a stern action should be taken against him/her. “We lost a lot of time during Covid-19 lockdowns. This time we expect teachers to work harder and ensure that the education calendar is followed,” he said.

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