Police Apprehend Suspected Bugler At Friends Shivanga Secondary In Malava

By Andanje Wakhungu

Police officers in Kabras are holding a man in custody suspected of being among a gang that invaded a school intending to vandalize, steal and raze it down. The middle-aged man is said to have been among others who managed to escape the dragnet after area chief Simon Nambwa, acting on a tip-off from parents waylaid them as they attempted to commit the crimes in the early hours of the morning.

Friends Shivanga secondary was the target of the gang whose intention was to loot and destroy property. According to the principal Wycliffe Amadi, he arrived at the school as usual only to find the unexpected.  Unconfirmed sources at the school however are pointing fingers at the parent’s association chairman as being somehow behind the bizarre incident.

“Today morning I received information that he parents association chairman in company of unknown people purported to be goons armed with crude weapons had come to the school and blocked the gate, the area chief who was on the ground was able to apprehend the gang and the motive as to why the chairman decided to go rogue is still unclear but we shall be able to know as time goes by as investigations takes off but as for now the school is ok students are calm and learning is ongoing as usual”.

The Hivanga location chief Simon Namba confirmed the incident said he was on his usual morning patrol with Nyumba Kumi when he received a call from the school security personnel that a group of seven people had invaded the school and were locking the gate with ropes and we rushed to the scene and found them after which my trying to interrogate them on what’s happening one of them became violent and it is on that juncture that we arrested him as he tried to escape and we managed to identify his other accomplices who vanished but we have their names, the one we arrested is one Dan Peter who revealed that they were hired by the parents association chairman who has seen gone missing with a promise of Ksh.500 payment after burning down the school.  

We found within his possession a litre of petrol, ad our efforts to search the chairman is still fruitless as he has been missing from his home since the day of the incident and we will involve the DCIO to rack him down so that he can face charges.

I’m calling o parents to seek dialogue if anything is a matter with the management of the school rather than taking the law into their own hands as it is against the law to burn down an institution to solve problems. Instead, you are creating an even bigger problem for society as you will have interfered with the education of your children, let’s be sober and engage relevant education stakeholders in solving any misunderstandings if any”.  The incident is happening after Kuvasali students recently went on a rampage against their principal over bad leadership.    

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