Raila Odinga And Uhuru Kenyatta’s Secret Political Pact Leaks, Threatens Azimio Unity

By The Weekly Vision

A secret Memorandum of Understanding between former president Uhuru Kenyatta, ODM leader Raila Odinga and Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua has leaked out. Although most of the details in the secret MoU which sources say was reached in the run-up to the 2022 elections remain scanty, some of those who were present when the deal was being discussed now claim that it is threatening to split Azimio down in the middle.

Sources divulged that in a secret agreement signed between Raila Odinga, Uhuru Kenyatta and Karua Karua, had Mr Odinga won the presidency, he was to serve for only one term and then pass the button to Karua. Come 2027, Karua was to be deputized by Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka. Karua was also to serve for one term and pass the button to Kalonzo.  According to sources, Uhuru Kenyatta had agreed to support Raila Odinga whom he believed would take care of the business and political interests of the Kenyatta family. He pushed to have a Kikuyu as Odinga’s deputy, not necessarily Matha Karua. Although several names were floated as possible running mates to Mr Raila Odinga from the Kikuyu community, sources say Uhuru Kenyatta was not comfortable with Karua but Mr Odinga insisted on her. 

Following the leakage of the secret MoU, a supremacy battle between Karua and Kalonzo is threatening to split the Azimio Coalition ahead of the 2027 elections. With indications already on the wall that ODM leader Raila Odinga will not vie for the presidency in 2027. Focus now shifts to who will be Azimio’s flag bearer in the presidential race in 2027.

Already deep political cracks have emerged with Kalonzo Musyoka and Matha Karua angling to succeed Odinga. Sources well-versed with Azimio power deals reveal that since Karua was appointed as Raila’s running mate, she has vowed to remain in Azimio as long as she is the 2027 presidential flag bearer.

Kalonzo Musyoka is now calling on Raila Odinga to either back him in 2027 or he will leave the Azimio bandwagon and work with President Ruto. Kalonzo’s allies have been firing salvos claiming that it is Raila’s turn to back their man having supported Mr Odinga in three successive elections and delivering Ukambani votes to him. 

Mr Odinga is now said to be in a catch-22 situation as to whether he should hand the mantle to Karua or support Kalonzo in 2027. Those pushing for Kalonzo claim that he has always delivered Ukambani votes as opposed to Karua who failed to deliver even a single civic seat to Azimio. Karua on the other hand believes that she delivered the Mount Kenya votes but which were stolen. 

According to her, Raila Odinga defeated William Ruto in the Mount Kenya region, she is said to be relying on the whistleblower’s results which had put Raila ahead of Ruto. Martha Karua maintained that the whistleblower’s report showed that Raila Odinga got 2.7m votes in Mount Kenya and that he defeated Ruto in Kiambu, Nyeri and Kirinyaga counties.   Kalonzo’s allies have been keenly watching political events as they unfold and have been curious at Karuna’s positioning herself as Azimio’s leader-in-waiting. However, the majority of Azimio’s top leadership strongly believes that Kalonzo is a worthy successor to Raila as Azimio’s leader and torchbearer for 2027 and beyond.

Kalonzo is said to be under pressure from Ukambani MPs, and MCAs to declare his 2027 Presidential bid and seek support from Raila Odinga, now. In 2013, Kalonzo was Raila’s running mate under the Cord coalition. Come 2017 again, Kalonzo stood behind Raila under the Nasa Coalition, but in 2022, Raila chose Karua as his running mate. Ukambani leaders and business tycoons who have been bankrolling Kalono’s political activities are now giving ultimatums that should Raila fail to say Kalonzo Tosha in 2027 then he should consider either running alone or joining Ruto in 2027.

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