Why Washington Settled On President Samia To Lead Negotiations Between William Ruto And Raila Odinga  

  • Sources say President Ruto was surprised to learn that the White House had instructed Suluhu to fly to Kenya and bring the two men to a round table discussion. The same sources add that President Suluhu and US Vice President Kamala Harris are good friends after she visited Tanzania in March this year, the two are said to be communicating daily regarding the Kenyan issue
  • Speculation is rife that it was because of the pressure from the White House that forced Ruto to fly to Tanzania to personally offer apologies to Suluhu after snubbing her in Nairobi. It is also said that Raila and Ruto spoke on the phone before the President left for Tanzania and that on return, Suluhu, Raila and Ruto are expected to meet at a venue that is yet to be agreed upon in Nairobi  

By The Weekly Vision

Barely 24 hours after President William Ruto, through his official Twitter handle, declared that he was ready to have a one-on-one chat with Azimio leader Raila Odinga, details have of how US President Joe Bidens’ White House tasked Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan to lead the negotiations between Raila Odinga and President Ruto have emerged.

 Political analysts in both Washington and Nairobi say President Suluhu is the most trusted head of state in the region at the moment and her choice as the lead negotiator in the Kenyan conflict between the government and the opposition is not by accident.  Sources say the reason why President Ruto failed to meet Suluhu in Nairobi two weeks ago was that the American hand was not as apparent then as it is now. President Ruto’s handlers and hardliners are said to have warned him against meeting Suluhu claiming she had a soft spot for Mr Odinga and that the talks would be on how to, share power.

Sources say President Ruto was surprised to learn that the White House had instructed Suluhu to fly to Kenya and bring the two men to a round table discussion. The same sources add that President Suluhu and US Vice President Kamala Harris are good friends after she visited Tanzania in March this year, the two are said to be communicating daily regarding the Kenyan issue.

The meeting between Suluhu and Ruto was to be a top secret but after Ruto allegedly snubbed her, it was Raila Odinga who let the cat out of the basket, he went public and declared that President Suluhu came into the country two weeks ago to mediate over the bi-partisan talks with the Kenya Kwanza Alliance. Ruto’s change of heart, according to sources is due to pressure from the US and Western nations who are said to have warned of unspecified consequences should he give the peace talks a wide berth.

It was out of fear that Ruto took to his Twitter handle and wrote:

“My friend @RailaOdinga, I’m off to Tanzania for a human capital meeting to harmonize the expansion of employment opportunities in our continent. I’m back tomorrow evening, and as you have always known, I’m available to meet one on one with you anytime at your convenience. WsR.”

It is speculated that it was because of pressure from the White House that Ruto had to fly to Tanzania to personally offer her apologies to the US and Suluhu. It has been whispered that Raila and Ruto spoke on the phone before he left for Tanzania and that on return, Suluhu, Raila and Ruto are expected to meet at a venue that is yet to be agreed upon in Nairobi.

It is against such planned meetings that Raila called off Wednesday’s demonstrations and said Azimio would engage in peaceful prayers and vigil in remembrance of those who lost their lives during the protests instead. Sources further divulge that before the end of the week, Azimio will go public and announce a suspension of demonstrations to give peace talks spearheaded by Suluhu a chance.  But the big question is whether Ruto will implement Azimio’s demands should they reach a consensus. Only time will tell.

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